Horror x Motherly Reader

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Requested by 26nobat01
I'm trying here ok-

The Bad Sanses were fighting again with the Star Sanses, They all have been going on for three hours. They weren't really tired, They been through other battles before. Suddenly Horror ended up having a call from his cellphone.

"Hold your horses" Horror held out his hand, Ink created a horse out of instinct, Holding it as Dream and Blue gave him a weird look. As for the Bad Sanses, They were just confused why Horror ended up having a call in the middle of the battle.

"HELLO BROTHER, UH...MOTHER'S GONE AND IS PROBABLY LOOKING FOR YOU" Horror froze, Dropping his phone in the process. 'Oh sh#t, I'm dead' He thought.

"Horror Sans L/N!" Y/n stepped out of a portal, With Sci by her side. "It's been three fu#king hours, Yet you missed dinner and-! Oh, That's new" She looked around her surroundings, Taking in that she saw other copies of her son."U-Um, Miss Y-Y/n? I-I believe we're i-in the middle o-of a battle"

"A battle?" Y/n scoffed. "I've been through worse! Do you know how many times my sweet baby snuck out? And quick question, Why is Rory hanging out with gangsters-?!" "Mom!!! You're embarrassing me!" Y/n turned to look at Horror and put her hands on her hips. "I did not raise you to just leave me alone with your brother, What would happen if you suddenly disappear? Huh? And I'll blame that sorry excuse of a artist!"

Ink placed a hand over his non-existing soul. "I'm sorry? Maybe if you would stop and take a look at my masterpieces!"

"Oh really? Come at me and paint a canvas, But wait! It'll take forever with that stick you call a paintbrush!"

"You cannot call Broomie that!"

"You even named it? That's stupid!"

Horror sweat dropped as he watched his mom, HIS MOM argue with his gang's and his enemy. He sighed and known it'll probably get too far. "Mom, I'll get home tomorrow"

"Is that so?" Horror nodded. All of a sudden, He was brought into a hug. "Come back home at exactly 8:00 in the morning, You don't want to make mommy angry, Do you~?" Y/n cooed. "Mo-" "Do you?" She crushed him in the process. "N-No, Even better, I'll get back at 7:00!"

"That's my boy~!" Y/n let him go and pinched his cheekbones, Oh how much pain he was in. "Alright then, I'll get going and hopefully Papyrus hasn't put eyeballs in my soup"

"Wait, Blood soup?! And I missed it?!" She nodded and walked backwards to Sci. "That's my favorite!"

"Too bad, Bye bye Rory~! Mommy wuvs you~! Mwah!" And then Sci and Y/n went through a portal back to Horrortale.

Well, Poor Horror. All eyes on him making the guy drown in embarrassment by his mother, He'll definitely be teased by his gang.

Meanwhile Ink would schedule a place for Y/n and him to finish their arguement-
Can I just say I tried and used all of my motivation for today? And finished at 12:00 in the morning? I'm a legend- 

Au Sanses x Mother Reader Oneshots (Requests Closed)Where stories live. Discover now