Killer x Mother Reader (Crescent)

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Requested from (dang, ever forgetful I am ;-;)

Also, kinda got better at drawing, peeps 🙄💅 How do people draw paws? ;w; I dunno if I want to make animations memes now 👀👄👀 👁👄👁

"Please, just for a few hours?" Killer grabbed out all of your favorite snacks and threw them at your feet, "You can have all of these if you do it!"

Y/n placed a hand to her chin, obviously not thinking of course, it seemed like that to Killer, she then smiled and crossed her arms.

"I'll do it for a lifetime supply of snacks, in exchange I will take care of my grandson whenever you want!" Killer nodded eagerly and sighed in relief. 

"Yes, finally! I can peacefully go on a tiny honeymoon with Nightmare!"

"You mean killing with him? Wonderful honeymoon I should say! Awe, my baby grew so much!" Y/n literally abused one of Killer's cheeks, he swatted the hand away.

"Yeah, I'm a big man now"


"Dear Crescent~!" Y/n spoke in a sing-song tone, making the teen jump in surprise. 

"A-ah, grandma Y/n, what are you doing here?" He sweated, chuckling nervously.

"Well, taking care of you, silly! Grandma's here to stay!" Y/n gave him a closed eye smile, taking no notice of Crescent praying to the god, Toby, to save him.

If it's Killer's mom who is your grandma, you don't know if you're lucky or not.

She's basically crazy yet sweet at the same time.

"Now, do you want to seek out?"

"Wait, what?" Did he hear her correctly?

Yes, of course you did, dumba-

"Yes! Let's find some Charas for your dad to play with, how he loves to stab them, don't you?" Crescent hummed and looked both ways, making sure this wasn't a trap or anything.

"Yeah...I do, come on, we do it quickly then!" He whisper shouted, too make sure if they were alone.

Killer's love for stabbing Charas can be a hobby for him and Y/n to seek out and get some.

Maybe his grandma isn't so old and boring.

Boy, just kinda did this for three hours, da heck? Anygay, requests are open people! Request away! :D I don't care if my sleep schedule is bad! >:D Do know they may take a month since school starts for me in a week- :3

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