DreamSwap Twins x Mother Reader

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Requested by Sleep_Deprived720
Sorry for the longish wait ;w; But either ways, I think I still remember DreamSwap :)

It was the time of the year, where Y/n would visit her boys, and she haven't seen them since she was assumed dead! That old lady put out a rumor, the female only ever did was go out on a trip, a trip to Narnia-

Anyways, so since she heard of the Justice Reigns, she wondered if the people there known two skeletons who Y/n deeply loved and didn't known how they look like. What a great mom!

She stared at the building, already hating how huge it was, what if she got lost? Even better, what if she ran into someone and they kicked her out? Even worse, stupid guards.

Apparently, she was caught by a strange skeleton, who looked as if tired of his job, or just had a lot happening lately.

She was escorted to inside a room, a office that is, another skeleton was sat in the middle of it, having...wings??

"Thank you, again, Ink" The birb sighed, and sounded exhausted, it looks like Y/n wasn't the only one being caught today. The skeleton, named as Ink, let go of her and went out of the office, officially the most 'I'm done with this sh#t' icon in history.

The winged skeleton cleared his throat, sipped some coffee from a cup, and stared down at Y/n, "State your name, and business"

"What business? Oh, did you know there's sin in business?" She randomly said.


"..Interesting" The birb sighed and stood up from his seat, "Come along now, mom, we need you in a jail cell for a couple hours"

Y/n blinked, "What did I even do?? And Dream? Woah, you have wings? Since when??"

Dream yet again sighed, taking his now shorter mom and placing his wing behind her, "I'll explain later, and for saying something that isn't funny"

They headed to the cellar, where three skeletons were in a larger one, it was pretty spacious, and looked to be easily escaped from, considering it's cell bars.

Y/n raised a brow and nudged Dream, pointing to the skeletons.

"Why is...Nightmare in a cage? I know he can be a bit annoying but, with two other skeletons?" The other two waved, Night in shock and disbelief.

The winged skeleton was half surprised Y/n easily knew that was Nightmare.

"Ugh! About time you get to save me! Instead of depending on these two" Cross gasped, crossed his arms, and turned his back from everyone. Error didn't seem offended, "But either ways, I thought you were dead!"

"Exactly what I thought" Dream mumbled. Almost everyone loved Y/n in the village, causing them to mourn for her even though she wasn't dead, one of the reasons he ate the apple to kill off all negativity, he didn't want to always be reminded of her. 

"Oh, wait.." Error squinted at the only female, "..yeah who are you??"

Y/n snorted and decided to show off, "I'm Dream and Nightmare's mom, 'guardian of mothers'" She laughed.

"She's kiddin' of course" Night commented, "About the guardian or mothers, she's actually just a normal human with a (F/C) soul"

"You don't have to call me out like that!" Y/n aimed to punch Nightmare, even in his cage, but Dream held her back, "LEMME AT HIM!"

The winged skeleton rolled his eye lights and picked her up, "You're still going in your own cell, don't make any loud sounds-"


What did I do lol XD I got requests >w< Filling up my oneshot book again heh-

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