Fell Sans x Pregnant Mother Reader

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Requested by kittylove32

I have hands :> I had a hard time reading what you wrote ;w; So some things will be changed :P

Heh, I'm probably getting a lot of comments by publishing these chapters- XD *Gives cookies* Take it.

"SANS!!!" Fell jumped at the loud shout from his post and watched as Papyrus came at him like a wild lion. A tired look on his face after just waking up from the loud noise.

"eh, what's up boss?" He yawned and tried to keep his eye sockets open. 

"SANS YOU LAZY SH#T, Y/N IS GONE BECAUSE OF YOU!" Papyrus crossed his arms, anger in his face. Fell gulped and chuckled nervously.

"c-can't be that bad, she'll be just fine...right?" He whispered the last part to himself.

"WELL, I'M GOING TO FIND HER IF YOU DON'T. REMEMBER HER HEALTH RIGHT NOW, SANS!" Fell nodded and watched as his brother- I mean, boss head off.


'...aw sh#t, i forgot mood swings too'


The human admired the Snowdin sign, smiling as if she thought it looked nice for a abstract sign.

She was curious about the town itself and wanted to go in and see everything, but before she could, a small bark brought her attention.

Turning around to see, a white dog.

"Oh, look at that lovely smile" Y/n petted the white dog's head in front of her, the pup leaned in the touch, which was quite saddening.

"Awe, little touch starved pup" The human smiled and aimed to pick up the dog until a pair of arms wrapped around the white pup, picking him up.

"Oh! Hello Frisk!" The child sweated a bit and smiled, wiping their forehead. If they didn't get the dog in time, something could've happened.

*You ask why Y/n isn't at home*

The older raise her brow and giggled (Pure-), "Well, I felt a rather weird feeling in my stomach and decided to get some fresh air!" Y/n gave Frisk a closed eye smile.

Frisk grew worried and put the dog down, the pup waddled as he walked away, panting like every happy doggy.

Hope to see him again.

*You tell Y/n to rest back at home*

Y/n pouted, "But I was having a great time!"

*You still consider it to her*

The female sighed dramatically, "Alright Frisk, I'll- oh!" Frisk rose a brow when they saw Y/n wince a bit.

"Sorry, dear! Now, where is the house again?" The child smiled and took the older's hand, taking her to the direction of her home, "Oh! Did I ever tell you about the time when I lost Papyrus?"

(Haha, sorry, I'm really doing that to them Papyrus' qwq)

*You ask Y/n to tell the story*

"Very well! So it started when I was younger..."


"SANS!!!" Fell awoken from his slumber once again as Papyrus came over to him with a frustrated expression, "Y/N IS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND!"

"well...uh, where's the other human? pretty sure some humans stick together?"

"SANS, THAT'S WITH ANIMALS, BUT I SUPPOSE HUMANS DO THAT TOO" Papyrus placed a hand under his chin as he thought.

"-And that's how Fell got his golden tooth! You will be surprised for next of how he got into pub- Oh! And we're already here" Y/n smiled and put her hands together, "Thank you for walking with me, Frisk"

*You give a thumbs up*

"MY GOD, DON'T YOU RUN OFF AGAIN, MOTHER" The female smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, Papy, but I promise I won't do it again!" She reassured, but winced in slight pain.

"so uh, what's up with the flinch?"

*You tell Sans that Y/n had been like this all day* 


"o h" Was all Fell can say, his eye sockets being the void currently. He was in a waiting room with Frisk, the child swung their legs while in a seat, a neutral expression on their face.   
"kid, you didn't tell me it was today" Frisk shrugged and watched the clock up on the wall, "i could have done something"

*You tell Sans that Y/n will be alright*

"how do you know that kid? it's not like you know how this works..." Fell found the child frowning a little and look down, "erm, sorry kid, forgot"

*You tell Sans it is okay*

A door opened, revealing a rather tired and grumpy dinosaur, holding a clipboard. She cleared her throat.

"Congratulations, it's a (Gender)" Alphy's spoke in such a 'I'm so done' voice, "And no screams were made"

'ah, sh#t, hope Papyrus takes these news like a normal monster' Fell gulped, 'panic'

Yeah, these were short, but that's me for ya lol- I wish for my future self to write even better -v- Praying rn XD

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