Lust x Mother Reader

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Requested by forgot lol XD
Lusty boi, you're finally here! QwQ

The house was quiet. No cooking, no chatting, no sounds, nobody. Only a skeleton, on the couch, watching the candles burn from his...birthday cake.

Lust sighed, stained tears on his face, nobody came to his birthday, or just simply forgot. Ever since Papyrus moved with Mettaton, the younger brother seemed to forget the special day.

Nobody, nobody to talk too, laugh too, cry too, chat too, and just say comforting words too. He was alone, alone in a empty house.

He didn't know how long he had been staring at his cake, but it seemed long since a knock on the door caused himself to get out of daydreaming.

Lust first wiped his tears, standing up from the couch and hesitantly opened the door.


"Hey sweetheart..happy birthday" Y/n softly smiled at the skeleton, holding a present. Lust, in a state of shock, teared up and smiled, immediately hugging her. She giggled and patted his back, "I missed you too"

Releasing the hug, the skeleton looked at her in confusion with a chuckle, "What are you doing here?"

"Why not? It's my oldest son's birthday" She laughed, giving her present into Lust's hands, "And mom gotten a gift for you!"

Lust carefully opened it, excited for what was in there. Inside, was a bear, a bear plushie, a plush the skeleton liked for the longest time, he squealed.

"Oh my Asgore! Oh my Asgore! Oh my Asgore! Oh my Asgore!" Lust quickly hugged Y/n again and held the plush, content and happy with the gift, it was such a sweet birthday present! "Thank you mom!"

Y/n rubbed his skull, smiling as she hummed, "I'm glad, didn't want you moping around all day" She laughed a little.

He wouldn't have been moping all day if Y/n hadn't came, Lust was glad, she came at the right time too. And she never disappoints.

Lust nervously smiled at her and asked, "Can we go out for nicecream?" 

Y/n smiled at the skeleton sweetly and took his skeletal hand, "Why of course darling, it's your birthday after all!"

He was happy, happy to talk too, laugh too, cry too, chat too, and say comforting words too with his mom. She's the best.


Lust sighed and smiled at his little day, placing down his bear plush and patted it on the head. He threw himself on his bed and closed his eye sockets, being with mom today was nice, she always visited every ten or five years, Y/n had a lot of things to do.

He was happy she made time for him.

A few cards where on his nightstand, unknown to the skeleton, they were filled with heartfelt words by some of the greatest friends, including his boyfriend.

He'll read those for sure, tomorrow, he just wanted to cuddle with Y/n again, like every time when she visited.

Man, finally done this lol qwq And uhm, thanks for the request however requested it! I forgot XD Thanks for the reads >w<

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