Fresh x Mother Reader

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Idea by Queen_MGwolf, Loved the thought of Fresh here they had :) Didn't bother to tag them cause they're probably busy :/

Never thought Fresh would make it XD Sorry that it's short ;-;

Error laid on his beanbag as he watched Undernovela, Currently he was watching an old episode from a few days ago, Munching on his chocolate (Underfell Special) from time to time.

The destroyer took no notice as a colorful Sans came from behind, Smiling widely as he was about to speak when-

A hand suddenly took the collar of his vest and pulled him backwards. He fell to the floor, causing a loud crash throughout the Anti-Void.

Error jumped and turned around in his beanbag, He growled and threw a unfinished doll at the Sans.

"wHy ThE hElLiE aRe YoU hErE, yOu PaRaSiTe?!" Fresh chuckled and glanced behind him for a moment.

"Nothing you should worry about, Glitchy brah!" Error narrowed his eye sockets at him and grumbled to himself as he turned around to watch his show.

Fresh slowly stood up and looked around in confusion, He was about to annoy the heelie out of Error until a tapping foot stopped him.

Error heard the noise as well and turned to look for it.

"Fresh, Fresh, Fresh" The colorful skeleton gulped and started to sweat a little. He smiled and started to form words.

"H-Hey Ma!" Error blinked as he stared at the tapping (F/C) boot. The person wore 90-ish clothing and walked up to Fresh with their hands on their hips.

"Fresh, What did I say?" Fresh looked down to the ground and kicked it.

"Not to 'annoy' Glitchy brah" He mumbled.

Y/n nodded and dragged Fresh by his collar to a summoned portal. She looked back to Error, who was staring at them in confusion and shook Fresh a bit.

"Sorry, My brotato chip" Y/n approved the apology and started to go through the portal.

Error laid on his beanbag in confusion, Still staring at where the portal was.

"...wHaT tHe F-"
Bro, This was ever short ;-; My brain failed me XD

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