Geno x Mother Reader

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Suggested by (Sorry, forgot qwq)

AHHHH My baby qwq Geno's time to shine- and sorry if one of you guys are waiting for the others, Author's been busy :) Sorry that it's short ;-;

Silence. Silence was normal for Geno in the Save Screen, It never really bothered him. It did before when he first got in there, but it's like a numb feeling now.

Geno couldn't quite remember how much time passed. Being seconds, minutes, hours, years, it didn't really matter to him.

But he known it was very long, by the look on Y/n's face. A calmness and relaxed expression meant it has been almost a year.

It by tell, is in around the middle of the months, in summer time for some other AUs. Y/n turned her head to Geno.

"A reset is bound to happen" Geno nodded and sighed, they always take long to reset nowadays.

"How long?" He asked, Y/n seemed to calculate it in her mind and mutter small words.

"Ah, in about an hour" 

"And we'll forget each other again like the other ones?" Y/n nodded, as it had been happening lately.

Y/n wasn't supposed to be found, like Gaster. Finding her was a pretty long process for Geno, it was hard and he had to do it for countless resets.

The first time, however, was not on purpose. Geno saw Y/n when she was by the outskirts of Snowdin, curiously looking at the monsters and hiding from them if they might see her.

But Geno did, he first ignored it until he noticed, she wasn't in other resets, he never saw her before.

As time and a few resets went by, Geno went towards Y/n and talked to her, she was a bit confused and had the urge to hide when a sudden feeling came to her.

It was a feeling of staying by the skeleton's side.

As they were supposed to not be seen together in person, the reset does it's effects to Y/n slightly, making her memories a bit hard to piece together.

It takes a bit of time to make Y/n trust and listen to Geno, now that it's been like forever, he knows what kind of words to tell.

"I'll see you in the next reset, I will find you again"

"Just like always, like all the other resets"

"...Love you, Mom"

"Love you too, Geno, you'll find me again, I promise"
OOF- This was short, probably because I took all of my motivation on the oneshot I made XD

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