Chapter 6

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The night passed was not the easiest. Both Parillas were unable to sleep peacefully but as soon as they closed their eyes they had nightmares.

At 6 in the morning while Lana is stroking the hair of the little girl who had been sleeping peacefully for just over an hour, she hears the phone ringing.

The woman runs to the bathroom where she had left the phone absently during the night and before answering she pulls the door to not disturb the child.

"Hello?" the woman answers without checking the ID.

"Miss Parilla, I'm the lawyer De La Gaza"

"Good morning! Sorry it wasn't an easy night as you can imagine"

"Would you like me to call you back?"

"Absolutely not, please tell me"

"Maria Parilla was associated with a Mexican gang that has control over much of the city, she apparently was known around the world for being very good in production"

"A skill to be proud of" the woman says wryly.

"Maria had problems with social services after her husband died, apparently she was denounced by the neighbors because she left the little girl of a couple of years alone in the house but before they could take her away she disappeared with the child and reappeared. a few days ago at your door "

"What did she do in the meantime?"

"I talked to the police, they are working on it. They would like to speak to Lux.."

"I don't think it's a good idea"

"You have no choice! The child is officially in your custody as the closest relative, I'm working to get you all the papers and give the child a passport"

"Thanks.. you are always helpful"

"Meet me at the downtown police station at 3pm"

After making the baby sleep late, Lana decides to wake her up and prepare the kid some eggs with toast.

The girl seemed more to benefit from her food than to eat it lost in her thoughts.

"A penny for your thoughts" the woman begins.

"What happens now? CPS are looking for me"

"Do you know what CPS are?"

"Momma was terrified that they could catch me and she told me that if that happened it would be hell"

"I've already sorted things out with CPS no one takes you away from here but today we have to go to the police station and you have to answer some questions"

"I don't answer the questions of those fools"

"Ohhh who taught you to talk like that?"

"You have to stay away from the police they only bring trouble"

"Actually the police help people missy"

"In the world of fairy tales, no in my world"

"Well now you have plunged into my world so you will have to be polite and answer the questions they will ask you because we don't want to have any problem"

At the police station, the little girl shook Lana's hand every time someone approached her. She was terrified.

A detective makes them sit in a colorful room with a television and lots of games. Lana and Lux ​​sit on a sofa followed by their lawyer standing behind them as the detective who welcomed them sits in a chair across from them.

"Hi Lux!"

"Hey fool" the little girl answers surprising Lana that she didn't know this attitude of hers.

"Watch your mouth missy" Lana catches the little girl.

"I'm Detective Mars but you can call me Ella"

"Let's keep our distance Detective"

"Your mom and her friends taught you to stay away from people like me right?"

"Did they teach me to stay away from fools? Yes they have"

"Did you live in this building?" Detective Mars shows the girl photos of a building destroyed by fire

"Sometimes when mom was working"

"Do you recognize these things?" the policeman again shows photos of a cramped, almost claustophobic room with only a small window at the highest point of the wall that suggested that it was located in a basement; the room like the rest had been destroyed by the flames but the posters on the wall and a small teddy bear half eaten by the fire hinted at the constant presence of a child in the building.

"Those are my books and that's Teddy" the little girl replies with tears in her eyes. They had taught her to build a wall between her and the authoritarian figures but evidently the child had never really faced them because a couple of photos were enough to make her give in and fill her eyes with tears.

"Was it your room?"

"Uh hu" the little girl confirms by making a sense of horror appear on the faces of Lana and the lawyer De La Gaza.

"You said you weren't always here... where were you when you weren't there?"

"They took us to another building, there wasn't a room for me, I had to sit with a blindfold and my mother told me stories to pass the time"

"What was around the other building?"

"I don't know, it was always dark"

"And what did you hear?"

"They were always fighting and it stank, when the smell got too strong it burned my nostrils and I fell asleep"

"Is there anything you want to tell me about where you lived?"

"That fools like you are not allowed but sometimes someone came because they weren't really fools"

"You were good, thanks for helping me"

"She forced me" the little girl points to Lana.

Lana and her lawyer stop and chat for a few minutes outside the actress's car. The man gives him the passport of the child and her files which officially declare her guardian of Lux.

"Are you on break from filming?" the lawyer asks her.

"I'm off for a couple of months at least," the woman confirms.

"Take the kid and go on vacation somewhere. With these people you don't mess around and until you find them it's better to stay away we don't know if they have any interest in Lux"

"Where should I go?"

"Weren't you planning to go to Europe before Maria showed up at your door?"

"Yes but now .."

"It's a good time. That's the only reason they get my papers in a hurry. Let Ella Mars work, she's the best of her in her field."

"Well it will be a little different from what I had planned but still a vacation .."

"We keep in touch by phone"

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