Chapter 10

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"Lux baby dinner is ready!" the woman strokes the hair of the little girl she had left on the patio sofa "I ordered pizza, is this ok for you?"

The little girl slowly opens her eyes and climbs onto the lap of the woman who sat next to her to wake her up. Not a word. The girl hugs the woman tightly.

"Hey, what's up?" the woman asks in apprehension, moving a lock of hair from the girl's face.

Immediately the tears begin to make their way down the girl's cheeks profusely. Not a sound.

"If you don't tell me what's going on sweetie we can't fix it" the woman still encourages the little girl.

"You said I love you" the little girl says.

"Yes, I said, is this a problem? Are you feeling unconfortable?" the girl shakes her head no "what's the problem?"

"My mom never said that" and the tears fall even more numerous. The woman lets the girl calm down for a few minutes thinking what to say. She didn't know anything about how she was raised or  what she knew or how she was treated. She had read a bunch of documents but the little girl had never given her point of view, she had never opened up.

"I want you to listen to me" the woman starts looking the girl in the eye "there are people who never tell anyone but this does not mean that they do not love you because they make you understand it with their gestures but when you do it's about opening your mouth and letting those words out is not easy. It takes a lot of courage and not everyone is so brave. You get naked and show all your frailties to the other. It's not easy .. "the woman says, stopping for a while "I don't think I've ever heard your mom say it but I saw it in her gestures, she was there for me always, she protected me when someone wanted to hurt me, she encouraged me in front of an obstacle and she held out her hand when I fell "

The girl's tears were now exhausted and Lux ​​was attentive to Lana's words.

"I know that your mother loved me very much and I have confirmation in front of it because if she didn't want me she wouldn't have left me the most precious thing she had"

"My mum never told me either but she always helped me and always protected me"

"Because she loved you madly but it is not easy to say.."


"Yes sweetie"

"I want to be brave and say it"

"Good things take time" the woman starts to get up after a few minutes making the child sit on the sofa.

"Where are you going?" the girl asks, not letting go of the woman's shirt.

"I'm going to get pizza, you have to eat something" Lana says kissing the girl head.

The woman comes back after a few minutes with two delicious pizzas and prepares a plate with two slices for the little girl and puts Rapunzel on her computer. The little girl still eats silently with her head at the conversation they had previously had.

"You're OK?" the woman asks noticing it.

"Will you say it again?" the woman immediately understands what the girl was referring to.

"Would that bother you?"

"No at all but what happens if I don't say anything? What if nothing comes out like mom?"

"You don't have to say anything you don't feel like saying, if it ever comes out it's because you really want to say" the woman caresses the girl's face "and I know a little ticklish monster who gives hugs that say more than words" and the woman starts tickling the little girl who bursts into a noisy giggle.

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