Chapter3- Laxus and Gray

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Phoenix's P.o.v
I looked at the guy with a lighting streak over his eye. I think he sensed me looking at him because he turned around. I started making my way to the door when I felt a hand grab me. I turned to see that it was Nastu. "What Nastu?" He had a serious look on his face. "Be careful around Laxus, I still don't trust him." I patted Nastu on the head, "I'll be fine."

Gray's p.o.v
I looked out the door as Phoenix walked out, I don't know what it was about her but she was just such a mystery. As in thought I turned to see Juvia staring at me, it's kind of creepy but she's Juvia for ya.

Lucy's p.o.v
I looked around for Phoenix, but she was already gone maybe it was only me, but there was something off about her.

Phoenix's p.o.v
I walked out of the guild to notice someone was following me, "Go ahead and show yourself, I know your there." I looked to see that it was gray. "Gray what are you doing?"
He stepped out and came face to face with me. "I, um well, what was it like with Nastu, was he as annoying as he is now?"
I laughed at his comment, and then we both started laughing. Stop, I need to stay focus.
"Sorry gray but I gotta go." I ran off while he called my name.

I stopped when I knew I was clear.
"So what's up with you." I screamed and started swinging my arms like crazy. Then I felt strong arms grab me by the shoulders. "Calm down Pheonix, it's me." I turned to see laxus in my face. "Don't scare me like that."

"So what's going on with you, you seem , in a hurry?" I looked at him, I was in a hurry, I just don't know what for.

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