Chapter8-Raven tail

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Pheonix's p.o.v
Crap what am I doing. I quickly got up and brushed myself off. "Pheonix..." Grey looked very serious this time.
"It's pepper, shes....."
Pheonix's p.o.v
"She's what?!" He just looked at me. "She's what!!!" I yelled in his face.
"She's almost dead." I looked at him in shock. I immediately ran as fast as I could to the guild.
Grey's p.o.v
I looked at Laxus, then followed Pheonix. I saw Laxus following me back to the guild.
Pheonix's p.o.v
As I burst into the guild I saw everyone surrounding pepper. "Let me through!!" I shoved through everyone and saw her lying there. Next thin I knew years were flowing down my face.
Pepper's p.o.v
I looked up to see everyone surrounding me. I don't think I could make it much longer, please forgive me pheonix. I felt arms pick me up, it was Pheonix. she took something off my back.
Pheonix's p.o.v
I picked up pepper and started carrying her to our apartment, when a felt something on her back. it was a note.
I read it.
We know where you are Pheonix
And we'll be coming soon.
Raven tail.
I looked down at pepper. "Im so sorry this happened to you I-it's all my fault." she looked at me and touched my hand.
"It's not your fault, just know that you've always been my bestfriend."
With that she started closing her eyes slowly.
"NOOO!" I collapsed on my apartment floor and cried until I fell asleep.

This kinda made me cry to write this but since I kept forgetting about pepper I thought it'd be good to start everything off (battles and drama etc.)
So plz like and comment.

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