Chapter19- Were ok or we thought

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Phoenix p.o.v
It's been a week since everything has happened but we still haven't found the guild master for Raven tail.
"Hey Natsu!" I ran up to him with food stuffing my mouth. "Here." I handed him my extra burger between chews.
He immediately chomped it down.
I sat next to him, "So Natsu how's things going with Lucy?" I nudged him.
He groaned in annoyance, pretty much everyone in the guild noticed their romance but them. "I don li luc." I really couldn't hear him while he was chewing. "Come on slob." I dragged him out of the restaurant and back to the guild.
We saw people running away from the guild telling us to run also. We both looked at each other confused and started running.
We burst through the guild only to see our guild battling that stupid damn master of Raven tail. His eyes set on me and Natsu.  "Well, well I'm back!"
His laughter roared out through the guild causing my ears to move up and down in anger.
Me and Natsu got into our battle stance.
"This'll be fun, he pulled out a beaten up and unconscious Derek."
I looked at the Raven tail scum in disgust. "You bastard." Then the presence of everyone was behind me, were family and nothing can change that. He laughed again, and it was really getting on my nerves.
"Can you stop your damn laughing already my damn ears are bleeding."
Everyone looked at me shocked. "what?" Just then a bolt of power came my way but I dodge it.
"That's just damn unfair." I shook my head in disappointment. "Lets get this party started." I smirked with my mischievous grin.

Ok so like really, he just Gona come back after everything just got calm. I mean I may be writing this story but even still I'm just sitting here like bruuuuh, anyways sorry so short just wanted a quick update~✌🏽️

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