Chapter21- Raven down/ new enemie back/end

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Natsu's pov
I looked down at my sister has her fire Sheild began to come down. I quickly ran to her. "Someone take her to the infirmary!" I saw her body being carried to the infirmary. We all just stayed there in shock she risked her life for all of us.

~About a couple of hours left~
"Is she ok?"
Wendy looked exhausted, I don't blame her she's been working for hours. "She's up now." everyone got up straight away.
Grey's pov
She's ok. i saw everyone start getting up. "Guys one at a time, we don't want to rush her." Everyone looked at me in agreement. I spoke up. "I'll go first."
I rushed up there before anyone could say anything. "Phoenix?" She looked at me. "G-gray?" I quickly got over to her bed as she tried to sit up.
Derek's pov
I really didn't trust gray being alone with Phoenix and it might sound really stupid since I kind of was the one who betrayed everyone but I just don't like him. After about five minutes I started to get worried. What if she's not ok?
What if she will needs help? A whole bunch of thoughts ran through my head as I was pacing back and forth.
Oh to hell with it I'm going up there.

But I wish I hadn't.
I walked up there only to see them kissing. I stood there in shock. Why? After all we've been through why? How couldn't she notice? All these thoughts ran through my head as I stood there.
I couldn't take it anymore so I ran off.

Phoenix's pov
"G-gray?" I tried to sit up but he put me back down. "You need to stay still." I slowly nodded my head. "Phoenix what the hell where you thinking?" He said with a sigh. "I- I couldn't let anyone else get hurt. I tried to keep the sob from my voice but failed. He pulled me into a warm embrace and kissed my forehead. I looked up to his face and he smiled then our lips collided. After a minuet I stopped, something doesn't feel right. "W-where's everyone?"
I started to get up but again he put me back down. "I-I need to see everyone, now." I put more force into my tone and I think he understood. he picked me up and place me down.
I felt a sting in my legs. I slowly walked out of the room as soon as I did everyone was staring at me.
"C-can I get everyone's attention!" I yelled. Even though they were already staring at me. I took a deep breath.
"Why the hell aren't any of you partying!?" They all looked at me
Shocked and confused. I saw Derek walk in the guild and it's like he gave me more confidence. "We just beat the hell out of Raven tail and none of you are freakin partying?" I could see smiles as I continued. "So what I got a little bruises and scratches, those assholes won't bother us anymore, we're Fairytail!" Everyone cheered in agreement as they started drinking and arguing. Now this is more like it. I turned around to bump into gray. I walked around him as he followed me back to my room.

"Nice speech."
"Thanks." I took off all of my health thingies and walked down stairs or should I say was carried down stairs.
"You can let me down now." I looked up at gray who was still holding me.
"Oh, uh yea." he nervously scratched the back of his head. He let me down and I looked around searching for Derek. I spotted him.

As soon as he noticed me he started walking out the guild. I ran after him.
"Derek." he turned and looked at me.
"What?" He said the words with such harshness. "Dude what's wrong?" I tried to touch his shoulder but he stepped back. "Don't you get it?"
Get what? What does he mean?
"I'm in love with you!"
I stared at him in shock. I must've heard wrong, all this time? H-he loves me? "I-i." I couldn't speak.
"I'm sorry." i came up and hugged him for who knows how long.

"Hey if it makes ya feel any better, I love you too?" He looked shocked.

"Really?" I smacked him upside his head. "Wouldn't say it for nothing, would I?" He nervously scratched the back of his head.

I put my hand in his and we both walked into the guild.
"Time for a real party!"

Ok guys I've been so confusing later Ik Ik.
But this really is the end of the book.

I've thought about making a sequel and pretty much did, but really my brain has no more ideas to contribute to this story.

Honestly it may not be the best ending, and this is really sappy for a an ending.

But for all the ones that's been reading this story since the beginning, thx XD

I feel like crying, this was my first wattpad story and look where it is now, finally finished after a pretty much a dang year eh?

*cries because is finally finished*

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