Chapter7-The kiss

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Grey's p.o.v
Well elfman liked evergreen. And Gajeel liked Levi, the only person that I could really think of was laxus.....
Laxus's p.o.v
I saw grey and Pheonix walk in, she looked kind of annoyed and bothered.
I saw grey walking up to me. "Yo Laxus, I need to ask you a favor." What does he want? "Ok so Laxus, you have noticed how weird Pheonix acts, and is like a loner?
So I wasn't the one I guess it's very noticeable. "Sure I'll help, what do I have to do?" He explained how, I had to flirt with her. "Well she kinda hates me right now."grey looked like he was thinking. "Well your the only one I can think of, come on man." I signed. "Fine, I'll try."
Pheonix's p.o.v
I saw Laxus start walking towards me, ugh what does he want. He was cute, but still. "Hey Pheonix."
"What do you want Laxus?"he came closer. "Will you go out with me, like on a date or something?"
Wow two guys in one day, and both were cute. wait what am I thinking. "Laxus..." I saw a sadden look in his eye. Ughh. "Fine."

We walked out of the guild and I looked at him.
Laxus's p.o.v
I didn't even think this out, I thought she'd say no. "Well uh, what do you wanna do?" She looked at me.
Wow, I never noticed how hot she looked. "um well do you wanna eat out?"
"Yea, sure."
Pheonix's p.o.v
I don't even know why I agreed to this, why I even joined the guild.It's not the people, just I don't want anyone getting hurt.
I followed him to the restaurant.
We ordered, and it was quite until he said something."So umm, how are you?"
"Good." I have no idea what to talk about. When the food got here, we just ate in silence
Laxus's p.o.v
It's so Akward I don't know how I'm supposed to get her secret out without her running away. When we both finsihed, I decided that this should just be over. "Hey let's just head back to the guild." she nodded in agreement. I kept looking at her, I don't know what it was but she was so beautiful. On the way she stopped and looked around.
Pheonix's p.o.v
I recognized a bad sent. Raventail....
I started looking around they were here. But how? I grabbed Laxus's hand and dragged him behind a tree.
"Hey. What are you doing." I made a shh motion and he did.
Laxus's p.o.v
I just couldn't help myself. I looked at her and I just couldn't help it. I grabbed her face and next thing I knew our lips were touching.
Pheonix's p.o.v
Laxus was kissing me. Wait he was kissing me!!
I tried to push him away but ended up pushing us both down on the ground, pinning him over.
Grey's p.o.v
I started looking around for Pheonix and Laxus, but what I didn't expect was to see Pheonix pinned on laxus. I walked up to them "Am i interrupting somthing?" They both looked up.
Pheonix's p.o.v
Crap what am I doing. I quickly got up and brushed myself off. "Pheonix..." Grey looked very serious this time.
"It's pepper, shes....."

Authors note -
Well how bout that. ^~^ I totally was getting so caught up with Pheonix I totally forgot about pepper, smh.
Well what do you think happened to her? And what's up with Pheonix and raven tail? Well if you'd like to know it'd be kinda good to continue reading.

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