Chapter 15: Epilogue

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Chapter 15:

A few months have passed since the Hopper-Byers family purchased a home together. Everything was going great, in fact; they were just about finished moving into their new home.

Everyone was at the Byers house; Lucas, Max, Dustin, Mike, Nancy, all there helping the new family pack up the truck. Over the past couple months the family has finished redoing the house and have slowly been moving things over. It wasn't until the new owners of the now, formerly known Byers residence, wanted the house sooner then initially agreed upon. So their everyone was on a sunny, Saturday afternoon helping the Hopper-Byers family move.

Everything was packed into the moving truck, ready to go. The boys said their goodbyes to the house they called their home for their whole lives, as well as El and the rest of the gang who spent alot of their time here over the years.

As Hopper pulled down the back on the truck and locked the latch he began scanning his suroundings for Joyce. After having no luck, he headed inside. He began searching the now empty house for her.

Reaching the last door on his left, he glanced inside.

Joyce was standing in the middle of her old room, arms folded, facing away from him.

Hopper smiled sadly, leaning against the door frame. He watched her for a few moments before speaking. "You okay?" Joyce turned her head to look at him, unexpectent of him standing there.

She forceably smiled and did a quick nod towards him before looking away.

He slowly took his weight off the door frame before walking towards her. He gently wrapped his arms around her stomach, resting his chin on her head. She gladly accpected his embrace, leaning her head against his chest.

"It's stupid really." She let out in an airless rasp. Hopper frowned.

"What is?" He asked. She waited a moment before speaking.

"That I'm sad because we're leaving this house. Even after all the bad memories here." He shook his head.

"It's not stupid at all." He squeezed her tighter for reassurance before turning her to face him.

"This place has been yours and the boys home for a long time. And sure, it's had it's fair share of bad moments and then some" Joyce let out a small giggle. Making Hopper smile.

"But it's also had great moments. The boy's first words, first steps, birthdays, laughter, smiles...where I fell back in love with you." Joyce couldn't hide the smile cascading on her face.

"And so much more. It's okay to feel sad about leaving. Now, we have alot to look forward to in our new home, and to finally be a complete family." He gingerly placed his hands on her belly, smiling. Joyce smiled at him, placing her hands over his.

"I love you." She said lovingly. Hopper looked up from her belly to her face.

"I love you too." He smiled, tenderly kissing her.

When they pulled away they both looked down to her belly. "I can't wait to meet our baby." He smiled fervently at her, placing his hands back on her belly.

She was only about 9 weeks pregnant and barely showing but that didn't keep the family of five to be excited for their sixth member. Finding out she was pregnant was one of the scariest and most exciting days of her life. She was terrified at first but once she told Jim and saw that look on his face, she knew they were going to be just fine. No one was more excited then Jim, well maybe except for El.

"Me too." She smiled back at him. "Now let's go move into our new home." She said, holding out her hand. He nodded and interlocked his fingers with hers.

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