Chapter 2: A lesson

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Chapter 2: A lesson

The morning light began to shine through the curtains of Joyces bedroom stirring the two occupants of the bed that sits in the room, however, Hopper woke up first. He forgot that he was even in the same room as her until he felt her sleeping self push up even closer to him. He looked down at her and he couldn't help but smile at her peacefully sleeping in his arms. Without knowing it he started to play with her hair.

Joyce silently woke without opening her eyes, she could feel him playing with her hair which put a smile on her face. Hop didn't even realize that she was awake he was just mindlessly playing with her long brunette hair twisting his fingers around each strand.

"You like my hair huh?" Joyce says looking up at him with a flirty smile. Hopper quickly snaps back to reality and realizes what he's doing, quickly stopping. "uh... I uh" Hop doesn't know what to say with his face Turing bright red in the process.
"Relax hop. I'm just playing with you, I don't mind it, it's actually kinda nice." She says placing her head back down onto his chest. Hopper is still shocked of what just happened but he pushed it off and pulled her closer to him while resting his head on hers before they both dozed back off.

About an hour had passed when there was a loud knock on the door. "Jesus" joyce and hopper both say after being woken up in this loud fashion, both sitting up quickly. "Mom? When are you going to make breakfast? We're starving". Will says loudly so she can hear him. When hopper here's it's just will he falls back down on the pillows and puts his hands over his face annoyed. "uh...I'll be right out to make it" joyce says back to him with a heavy breath after feeling like she almost died from the way will knocked so loudly. "okay" will says, then walking back to his room. "that kid almost gave me a heart attack" joyce says laughing turning to look down at hopper. Hopper moves his hands from his face. "I thought someone was knocking the door down" he says back to her joining her laughing.


They all sat down at the kitchen table to eat breakfast that joyce had been apparently behind schedule on making according to will. It was a pretty loud breakfast considering what had just happened the night before. "me and you are going to the cabin after breakfast to pick up anything we will need while staying here so make sure your ready to leave. " Hop says looking at El. "okay" El says nodding her head.

After breakfast Hopper and El left to head to the cabin, of course hoppers car was destroyed and God knows where, so they took Joyces car. It was a pretty silent car ride until hopper spoke. "how you doing kid?" He says with a genuine tone looking over at her. "Okay" she says while looking away from the window and over to him. "If you need to talk about it, I'm always here" he says reassuring her and moving his hand away from the wheel to in between the seats. She grabs his hand and they both give each other a smile.


"Wow... This is destroyed" hopper says walking into what is left of the cabin. "yeah" El says looking back at him with a sorry yet goofy grin. "Well this is gonna take alot of work but we should get it back to normal." Hopper says while moving some things around so they can walk to where they need to.

After packing there bags and getting whats left of what they needed they headed back to the Byers's house.


Most of the rest of the day was spent talking to Owens on the phone and sorting things out, like a new car for instance. He didn't want some fancy car he just wanted one that's exactly like his old blazer. Owens said they can get him one but it would be a week or two so they sent him a rental so he could get around until it was ready. He also said that they should get back to work tomorrow so they don't raise any suspension.

"So can they get you a car?" Joyce asks hopper after he said his goodbyes and hung up the phone. "yeah it will be a couple weeks but their sending me a rental that will be here tomorrow" "okay.. just don't blow me up in this one. Got it?" Joyce says while patting his back before heading back to the sink to finish cleaning the dishes while silently laughing. "I did not blow you up" he says with his arms in the air "yeah and your a mechanic" she was at the verge of bursting into laughter.

Hopper looks over at her and seeing her about to die laughing made him smile. He walked over to her and leaned against the counter next to the sink with his arms folded and trying to think of a comeback. "what you can't think of what to say now?" Joyce says breaking the laughter she tried keeping in. "Noo" he says with an "annoyed" tone before looking down at her with a smile.

Just seeing her happy lit up his day and he just can't help but smile at the sight of her or the giant smile on her face. Hop sat there awhile with his arms still crossed and Joyce doing the dishes before he grabbed some water from the sink that she's doing dishes in and splashed her with it and quickly running away laughing. "Hey!" She says with an aggravated yet playful smile. "what? I thought of my comeback" he says with the biggest smile at her from the other side of the table. "thats not a comeback that's just splashing some water at someone" "well what are you gonna do about it?" He says mockingly back at her. "I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson then" she says folding her arms. "oh yeah... What kind of lesson" he says with an interested yet playful look on his face. "Well your just gonna have to find out" she says before turning back around to continue the dishes. Hopper was confused so he waited a few seconds before walking back up to her.

"Great lesson" he says laughing. She turns to him and says. "Who said that was the lesson?" "Uh..." He looks up at the roof trying to find a response but while he does this she quickly grabs the towel that was laying on her shoulder and starts hitting him with it. "hey!" He says looking back down at her. "here's your lesson" she says laughing and continuing to hit him with the towel. "well now I have to teach you a lesson" he says as she runs away and he begins to chase her around the kitchen. "you can't catch me" she says mockingly. "are you sure about that?" He says before catching her from behind and picking her up. "hey put me down, put me down" she says laughing and hitting him with the towel. "not a chance" he says with an evil voice but with a giant smile on his face.

"Mhmhm" will coughs to get there attention. Joyce and Hopper slowly turn there heads to the noise. "What are you two doing?" Jonathan asks. The three kids were standing in the hallway, arms crossed, and confused as ever. Hopper puts joyce back on the ground and they both fix themselves.
"Uh...We uh... We're um... We were doing the dishes" hopper says looking down at the floor while scratching the back of his head. Both of their faces were bright red and were embarrassed as heck. "huh" all three kids said before going back to there rooms.

After all the kids closed there bedroom doors hopper and Joyce burst out laughing. "How long do you think they were standing there for?" She asks with tears of laughter in her eyes. "who knows. All I know is that I caught you." He says looking down smiling at her but still laughing.

Joyce checks the clock. "Oh wow it's getting late. No wonder the kids looked mad we probably woke them up." She says looking up at him. "I guess we should get some sleep then" he says nodding his head.

They both got ready for bed and finished cleaning up the kitchen before heading to bed. Hop was sitting with his feet crossed above the covers and his hands in his lap waiting for joyce in his black shirt and plaid pajamas pants. Joyce walked in and gave him a goofy and confused smile "what are you waiting for?" "you" he said with a goofy grin. She let out a small giggle. He then got up to get himself under the covers while she was doing the same. They were both laying on their sides facing each other smiling. "I guess it's back to work tomorrow" hop says with a fake excited tone then rolling his eyes and smiling back at her. "yeah but at least I will have more customers now" she says with a laugh and he joined her laughing. "what are you doing about lunch tomorrow?" He asks. "probably just gonna bring a sandwich to work. Why?" "I was thinking I can come by for lunch and we can hang out." He said nervously. "Ok" she says excited. "yeah?" "Yeah" she nods her head. "Okay. then it's a date" he says with a big smile. She smiles back at him before they both fell asleep with there faces inches apart.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter I think that it is alot better than the first personally but let me know what you all think.

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