Chapter 3: Dancing

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Chapter 3: Dancing

"Buzz...Buzz...Buzzzz" the alarm clock went at 7:00 a.m. waking up both Hopper and Joyce. "ugh" hopper said before turning behind him to hit the off button. He then turned back around to joyce and layed his head back down on his pillow. "Well good morning grumpy pants" joyce says with a laugh. "yeah yeah yeah" hopper says rolling his eyes in a playful manner. "Come on.. I'll make breakfast" joyce says patting his leg before getting out of bed.

While joyce was making breakfast Hopper was getting ready for work. The kids weren't up yet cause well it's summer and they wanted to sleep in. When Hopper came out of the bathroom ready to go to work he made his way to joyce in the kitchen. "here's your food chief" joyce says while setting his plate down on the table with a smile. "you gonna call me chief now?" he says with a laugh as he sat down. "Maybe" she says with a grin.

As they were eating breakfast they were talking away until Hopper looks down at his watch for the time and realizes he's gonna be late for work. "shirt! I gotta go, I'll see you at lunch." He says getting up from the table and kissing the top of her head without thinking. "okay" she says with a smile. He then grabs his hat and starts heading for the door. "bye" she said from the kitchen. "see you at lunch" he yells back before leaving the house. Joyce made her and hopper both some lunch and packed it up before she cleaned up the remaining dishes and headed off to work.


*At lunch*

"Hey!" hopper says opening the door to melvalds. "Hey" joyce says looking up from the counter with a smile. "Do you have lunch because I'm starving over here" he says walking towards her. "yep. Right here" she says lifting up a lunch bag from under the counter and showing it off.

Joyce and Hopper were sitting on the bench outside of melvalds eating there lunch and enjoying each other. "I see there's alot more people here now that the mall is closed. I guess we can't just talk in there by our selves now for hours." Hop says with puppy eyes. "yeah this is the busiest I've seen it in awhile and it's been one day. And for your other thought we can still have lunch everyday we just can't sit on the counters and talk for hours." Joyce said with a laugh. "Well at least i get to come home to you" hop says looking up into her eyes and giving her a smile.

"hey chief we need you..over" Callahan says over the radio. Hopper did not like the interruption. "Can you handle it yourself?" He says annoyed. "No chief we need you down at the station some guy is looking for you..Over" "okay fine I'll be right there." "I guess I gotta go. See you at home." He says with a smile. "okay bye" joyce says. What does he mean by "home"? Joyce thought to herself. He said it twice, did he mistake it for his cabin or just because the cabin is a mess so since he's staying with us for a few days or maybe he wants it to be his new home? No! Stop it joyce he doesn't think of you like that.


Joyce got home first and was in the middle of dinner when hopper came through the door. "Hey. What you cooking?" Hop says walking up to the stove and looking in the pots about to taste test what was in one of them. "Hey get away from there" joyce scolds him and hitting him with a dish cloth. "okay okay" he says putting his hands up walking away with a smirk. "I'm making chili. And it will be ready soon." "So no taste test?" He asks raising his eye brow. "No taste test" joyce laughs. "fine" hopper says beaten.

"Can you tell the kids dinner will be done in 5 minutes." "Sure." Hop walks up to wills room and knocks on the door. "yeah?" Will says from the other side. "Dinner in 5" hopper says back. "okay" will says back to him before continuing his conversation with El. He then made his way over to Jonathans room and did the same.

"Do you think El is fine staying in Wills room? I mean it's kinda weird for her to sleep in a boys room with a boy in it." Hop says looking down laughing. "Hop. There friends it's fine." "Yea I know it's fine with them but when she gets older she's going to want to spend the night with guys and I don't want her getting comfortable that I'm ok with that" Hop says in a stern but sad voice. "Don't worry she's a good kid and your raising her well and I'm sure when that time comes she will be scared as fork of you." Joyce says fixing the collar of his shirt and patting his chest as they both laughed


After dinner the kids and Jonathan wanted to go to the wheelers and spend the night so Jonathan, Will, and El left right after dinner. Joyce and Hopper were cleaning up the kitchen when hopper had an idea. He walks over to the record player and puts on his favorite song: 'you don't mess around with Jim'. "oh yeah this is good music" he says walking over to joyce and doing his signature dance move. "Oh nice moves" joyce says laughing. "Whats wrong with my dancing?" He says stopping immediately in shock. "Well let's just say don't dance in public" she says with a laugh. "huh!... Can you do better? Horowitz." He says mockingly. "yes I can. Just let me put on some good music. " she says mockingly. "hey what's wrong with my music?" "We won't get started on that too." "Okay fine. So let's see what you got then."

Joyce begins dancing. Hopper just leans against the wall watching her
Enjoy herself. "what you just gonna watch me all day?" She says out of breath. "okay I'll join but I've got a better song." "Okay." Joyce says confused. Just then Joyces favorite song starts playing, 'Can't help falling in love' by Elvis Presley. Hopper turns around smiling at her. "Care to dance?" Hop says holding out his hand waiting for hers. Joyce gladly takes it and they walk over to a space in the living room. Hopper spinned joyce around which made them both laugh before he brought her back and pulling her close to him. Her head was on his chest and they were slowly moving back and forth to the song.

"I can't believe you remember that this is my favorite song" joyce says shocked picking her head up from his chest and looking up into his eyes. "Of course I remember. How could I forget something about you." He says looking back into her eyes that are beginning to fill with tears. She leans her head back into his chest and feeling his heartbeat. Hopper kisses the top of her head and then sets his head on hers and holds onto her tightly. They stayed like this until the song ended.

"You ready for bed?" Hop says lifting his head up and brushing some hair out of her face and back behind her ear. "yeah" joyce nods. They walked back to the bedroom while joyce still stuck to his side. Hopper let joyce climb in bed before he quickly followed behind her. Once he layed down joyce curled up right next to him and buried her face in the crook of his neck. Hopper rapped his arms around her and pulled her closer after turning off the light. I love you joyce. He said in his head before dozing off.

A/N: hope you enjoyed this chapter!! So I just wrote chapter 5 and it's my favorite yet and I can't wait for you all to read it!

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