Chapter 7: The lake: Part 2

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Chapter 7:
The lake: part 2

A/N: I feel kinda weird and don't really know how to do kissing scenes so sorry if it's bad and not what you wanted. 😬😂

<------- Continuing:
.."And why is that?" "Because I've wanted to kiss you for a long time." He says while there lips now only about an inch apart . "Well why didn't you?" "Because I was stupid" he says before placing his lips on hers.. and she kisses him back.

After so long of wanting to feel each other's lips on there own once again, it was finally happening. Time stopped around them and they were just in that moment and they didn't want it to end. It was a gentle kiss and once they breaked for air they leaned there heads together and smiled up at one another. "I-i love you Joyce. I have for a long time." Hop says looking into her eyes. "I l-love you too Hop" joyce says smiling back at him. Once they said this there lips came together again but harder and more passionate than before.

They were in the water, Hopper still holding her, gently moving towards the shore still kissing and things seemed to be escalating quickly. As the water was getting shallower and they were moving towards the shore Hop moved one of his hands to the ground for balence while pushing themselves along. When they reached the edge of where the water meets the sand Hop slowly flipped joyce over to her back without breaking there lips while he was propped up on his arm and his other hand holding her head.

"You've got some moves Jim Hopper" joyce says breaking from his lips while her arms still rapped around the back of his neck. "You remember me in high school. Don't you?" He says with a chuckle looking down at her. "Oh I remember you" she says giving him a flirty smile looking him up and down while biting her lip. He raised his eyebrows  at her moving them up and down. They both have a little laugh before locking there lips again. This went on for a little while longer while still escalating quite a bit until..

"Hey!" A voice called out "Thats not allowed here!" An angry voice yelled. Hopper and Joyce both prop them selves up and sees a park ranger. "Oh-uh sorry. Won't happen again." Hop yells back. The ranger just rolls his eyes and starts walking away muttering to himself of why people can't respect the rules. When the ranger walks away joyce and Hop  look at each and just start breaking out laughing. "Did you see his face?" Joyce says uncontrollably. "It was like a tomato" Hop says out of breath back.

After they calmed down a bit Hop gave her a quick kiss before getting up then helping her up. They grabbed there shoes and the rest of there clothes then headed back up to the picnic table. "Imagine if that was the kids that saw us." Joyce says laughing. "They would be scarred for life probably" he answers back laughing.

Joyce and Hopper sat at the table and was eating again because Hop did say he was starving. They were laughing and enjoying each other when they heard a large group coming from one of the trails. It was there group.

Once the kids got closer Joyce asked how it was. they said it was really fun and that they found the perfect spot for them all to watch the sunset tonight. When the kids walked away from them and towards the games Nancy asked them "What did you guys do?" curiously because they both looked suspicious. "oh you know we just went for a swim." Hop says looking down at joyce smiling. "Yup" she says smiling back at him suspiciously. "huh" Nancy says not convinced.

They spent over an hour playing all sorts of games from capture the flag to cornhole, that the park had provided, and many more. After they played games and decided to stay longer Hopper ordered pizzas to be delivered. When the pizzas arrived it was slowly getting dark so once they ate they started hiking to the spot the kids had found. "How far is this spot away?" Joyce asks up to the kids who were walking in front of the two adults. "About a 10 minute walk." Max answered looking back at the two for a quick second. Hopper and Joyce were walking behind everyone holding hands while walking closely,  whispering to each other and laughing at what the other person said all the way to where the kids were leading them to.

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