Chapter 5: Morning

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Chapter 5: Morning

As the morning sun crept through the bedroom window it awoke Joyce. When she opened her eyes she was snuggled up against Hopper. She couldn't help but smile when she turned to see him sleeping right next to her. His arm was rapped around her and he was flat on his stomach with his face facing her. She slowly moved from her side to her back trying not to wake him. But as she moved he began to stir.

"What time is it?" A barely awake hopper asked. "To early. Go back to sleep" joyce says quietly and moving the loose hairs out of his face. "okay babe" hopper says barely even awake to know what's going on but after he said this he kissed her shoulder and rested his head in the crook of her neck.  He was still flat on his stomach and after resting his head down moved his hand to find hers and interlocking their fingers. Joyce blushed at what he said and gladly allowed all of it to happen and after resting her head on his, she  drifted back to sleep.

About an hour had passed and Hopper woke up first this time. When he woke up his head was still on Joyce and there hands were interlocked just how they left off. Hopper shifted over up to his side trying not to wake joyce in the process. He sat there admiring her for a few minutes before using his other hand to push away a strand of hair that had fallen covering her face. He couldn't help but play with her hair after that, running his fingers thru it, twerling the strands of hair around his fingers, ect.

Joyce began to wake up. "Hey sleepy head" Hop says looking down at her while continually petting her hair back and still had her hand interlocked with his. "Hey... Actually.. If I remember correctly, which I do, I woke up before you." Joyce says with a grin back up to him. "you've been asleep the past couple minutes" Hopper is confused now. "Yes but I actually woke up awhile ago and went back to sleep. You woke up to, you don't remember?" "No" he says confused. "how do you know I was awake? Did I talk?" "Actually you did say something" joyce says smiling and blushing. "well what did I say?" He asked worried and interested.

"Well you had asked what time it was because I moved so you thought it was time to wake up then I said go back to sleep and you answered me saying.." joyce began to blush. "okay babe" "oh! I said that?" Joyce nods. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I don't know where it came from." Hop said as he was bright red and nervously playing with her hand as he looked down to avoid eye contact.

"Hop?" Joyce says with a grin and lifting his chin up with her free hand. "I didn't mind it. It actually felt nice.. coming" joyce blushed. "yeah?" Hop asks. "yeah" joyce nods now embarrassed. "okay well I guess I should call you that more often..BABE" hop says smiling at her and Joyce blushed even more.

"Hey look over there!" Hop says loudly pointing somewhere in the room. "What!?" Joyce says confused looking to the spot where he pointed. But once she turned her head he began tickling her. "Hey!" Joyce started laughing and trying to hit him away. "what?" Hop says laughing while still tickling her. "Your tickling me!" Joyce says uncontrollably laughing. "am I?" Hop asks still tickling her. After a little longer he stopped. "Why did you do that?" Joyce says smiling and punching him. "Because I wanted to.. Babe" hopper says plainly then flashes her a quick smile and wink before getting out of bed. Joyce began to blush.

"I'll make breakfast today. El and I always eats eggo extravaganzas on Saturdays" Hop says turning back around to her before leaving the room. When he left Joyce plopped back down on the bed and just smiled up at the ceiling. Then thought: what is an eggo extravaganza!?

After Hop left the room he made his way to wills room and knocked on the door. "Yes?" El answers. "eggo extravaganzas in 10 minutes." Hop says with a smile. Just then El swang the door open. "5?" El asks trying to get it to be sooner. "No around 10. I have to make everybody one and were gonna eat them as a family." El smiled at him for saying family. "So wake up will and Jonathan while I start okay?" "Okay!" El says excitedly.

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