Chapter 4: You are so f*king beautiful

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Chapter 4: You are so forking beautiful

As the alarm clock went off at 6:00 a.m. hopper quickly turned it off to try and not wake joyce. Hop had an earlier shift today so he doesn't want to wake joyce up but joyce still wakes up, not technically aware but it's hard to sleep when you hear an alarm going off. Hopper turns back around to joyce as joyce is waking up.

"Hey hey hey go back to sleep you don't have to wake up for another hour." Hop says gently in order for her to go back to sleep. "okay but Where are you going?" She says sleepily. "I have to go to work. Remember I have an early shift today." He said getting out of bed.  "Can you just stay a little longer?" Joyce says giving him sleepy puppy dog eyes. "Fine. Just a few minutes." Hop says getting back in bed. He had been looking for his under shirt for his uniform when she asked him to stay a little longer so now he didn't have a shirt on.

When he laid back down next to her joyce cuddled right up back next to him. And she didn't mind him without a shirt, at all.

About 10 minutes passed by so Hopper thought it would be safe to start his day. "You are so f*king beautiful." He whispered to her and kissing forehead before getting up and removing the arm that rested on his gut, he made sure that when he got up he didn't wake her back up again. But he didn't realize that she heard what he said and she didn't really either at the moment.


At 7:00 a.m. Joyces alarm went off. She was waiting for hopper to turn it off but it just kept going so she rolled over and opened her eyes and realized he wasn't there. She instantly becomes frantic by him not being there and wondered where he was when she traced back what happened in the earlier morning and realized he had an early shift. Wait! Did he say I'm beautiful!? Did he just say that to mess with me? Or-or did he say it because he thought I couldn't hear him? Alright stop over thinking this Joyce it meant nothing! Go get ready.


Hopper came into melvalds at lunch time in search of Joyce. "Hi is Joyce here?" Hopper asks the girl at the front desk. "Yeah I think she's in the back, I'll call her up here." Says the moody teenager. She's not to happy that her job at the mall is done since it got destroyed so the day after it happened she came here to get a job. "Thank you" hop says back. "So what.. are you two dating?" She asks while the bubble she blew from the gum she was chewing popped  "What?" "I don't know I saw you two eating lunch yesterday and it seemed like you were together. I mean I've only worked here for three days and seen you once but it just seemed like you were dating." "No were not! Were just friends." "Yeah okay" the girl says sarcastically. "what is that supposed to mean?" "you-" just then joyce comes walking up "Hey Hop" joyce says with a smile. "Hey" he says with a smile back to her before they both walked out to the bench but not before hop gave the girl the death stare.

They talked for awhile but something was on Joyces mind she wanted to talk to him about. "You okay?" Hop asks her concerned. "Yeah I'm good. Um but I do want to ask you something that happened this morning when you left." "Oh is it because I couldn't find my shirt so I had no shirt on when I got back in bed?" Hop says nodding his head in embarrassment. "No! That's not the reason, I actually didn't mind that." Joyce says looking up at him with a smile making him blush. "So then what's the matter?" He asks still his face bright red but concerned. "Well before you actually left you said something to me and I don't know if you thought I couldn't hear you or what. But you said that I uh.. was a.. beautiful?" "Well actually I think I said "you are so f*king beautiful" and I did not realize you heard me" now his face is turning redder by the second. "but I definitely meant it." Hop says scratching the back of his head looking down at the soda can in his other hand embarrassed. Joyce smiles at this and also looks down at her food.


After dinner they all decided to watch a movie. They decided on  E.T. after wills constant begging to watch it. They all sat in the living room eating popcorn and candy. El was on the floor leaning against the couch, Jonathan was sitting in the armchair, Will was sitting on the couch and Hopper and Joyce were well, cuddled up on the couch.

"El did you like the movie?" Hopper asks El as the end credits start to roll. "Yeah! It kinda reminded me of our group actually." El said laughing. "Okay El now that you've watched it we can always talk about it!" Will says excitedly. "Okay" El says excited but also kinda confused. "Alright it's time for bed you guys." Joyce says getting up from hoppers arms. "Fine" will says disappointed.

"Night you guys" Joyce says walking up to each teen and kissing there head. "Night mom, Night Hop" Will and Jonathan call out walking to there rooms. "Night Joyce, Night Dad" El says hugging both of them before running off to wills room.

"I don't think she's ever called me dad before." Hopper says shocked. "Well I guess your doing something right then." Joyce says with a smile and hopper smiles back at her.

Hopper heads off to the bathroom while joyce cleans the bowls used to serve the popcorn and pick up any remaining trash. Hopper comes out of the bathroom and sees joyce standing by the sink turned away from him. So he quietly walks up to her and hugs her from behind. "hey" he says kissing the top of her head. "Hey" she said and leaning back into his hug and holding onto his arms that are rapped around her. "I was thinking..Since tomorrow were both off work we could take the kids down to the lake and have a day there and maybe it can take our minds off of this sh*t." "That sounds nice" joyce says smiling. "okay great I'll tell the kids tomorrow!" Hopper says excitedly.

"You ready for bed?" He asks resting his head on hers. "yeah let me just put away these two bowls first." "I'll do it." He says grabbing the bowls and placing them in the cabinet while still holding onto joyce.

"You made that alot harder than it had to be." Joyce tells him laughing. "Well I didn't want to let go of you." He says back with a smile. Joyce instantly blushed. They walked back to the bedroom wobbling along because hopper refused to let go of her and he was still holding onto her from behind.

They both got in bed and got right back to the same position just now they were laying down. Hopper pulled her closer and kissed her head.  "Goodnight Joy." "Goodnight Hop." They said before they dozed off.

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