Chapter 12: Enzos and more...

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Chapter 12:
Enzos and more...

*Byers residence 7:15 p.m.*

*Knock knock* Someone knocks on the front door.  "Hey Hop can you get that!" Joyce yells while putting earrings on. No answer. "Hop?" Joyce yells again walking out of her room and looking down the hallway. "where did he go?" Joyce mumbles to herself as she walks to the front door. When she opened it Hopper was leaning on the door frame, flowers in his hand, and a smile on his face. "Hey." he says when she opens it and she returns his hello with a cute grin. Hoppers jaw begins to drop at the sight of Joyce. Joyce is wearing a black laced dress, black heals, earrings and light makeup. "Joyce you look..." Hopper can barely speak. "Wow" He manages to say making Joyce smile. "you don't look half bad yourself." Joyce says smiling pulling him in for a kiss.

Hopper is wearing something a little bit more fancy than he is used too but it's Joyce, and he wants to look his best. He was wearing a white dress shirt with black suit pants and jacket with black shoes and tie. "I got you some flowers." He said smiling. "When did you have time to get these?" She smiled before smelling them. "Oh you know when you weren't paying attention I snuck out." He shrugged and stupidly smiled. "Well aren't you sneaky." "Sneaky like a Ninja." He replied.

Joyce walked into the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase and Hopper followed. "These are beautiful. Thank you." She kissed him again after placing the flowers at the center of the table. "You're welcome." He kissed her back. "Are you ready?" He asked. "Yeah almost I just want to put on a necklace real quick." She said starting to walk towards the bedroom when Hopper stopped her. "I think I have one that might work." He smiled which earned a confused look from Joyce. Hopper pulled out a long rectangular box from his coat pocket. "what's that?" Joyce asks in wonderment. "I got you a little something." Hopper opened it to reveal a long bar silver necklace that read "I Love You" and on the back side it read "JH + JH"
"Hopper..." Joyce says stunned. "I know it's not that nice or anything bu-" "I love it!" Joyce cut him off. "You do?" Hopper smiled. "Yes I do." She smiled rapping her arms behind his neck and kissing him.

"So two JH's. What does mine stand for?" Joyce raises her brow. "At the moment it stands for Joyce Horawitz." "At the moment? What will it mean later?" Joyce raises her brow. "Hopefully... Joyce Hopper." He smiled. "You know I don't mind the sound of that." She smiled. "yeah well I'll just have to keep that in mind." "You better." She smiled even bigger. "I love you." She said. "I love you too." He smiled as they both leaned in. Once they broke Joyce asked. "Can you put it on me?" Hop smiled. Joyce turned around and moved her hair to one side while Hopper gently draped it around her neck. After hooking the ends together he rapped his arms around her from behind and whispered in her ear. "Let's get this date on the road." He slightly laughed making Joyce do the same. "Ok Cowboy." She turned around. "Cowboy?" He questionably smiled as they started walking to the door. "I don't regret saying it." She said trying not to laugh with her head up high making Hop laugh.

When they got to the blazer Hopper ran in front of her to open the passenger door for her. "Here you go maddam." He said like he was an English Butler. "Why thank you Sir." She says curtsying Making them both laugh. The drive to Enzos consisted of Hopper holding her hand the whole time while kissing it every so often, and glancing over at the other person while uncontrollable smiling and blushing.

When they parked the car they got out and walked to the entrance hand in hand where Hopper opened the door for her. "Hello Sir, Maddam, Do you have a reservation?" The matradee asked. "Yea it should be under Jimothy Hopper." Hopper said as he stupidly smiled down at Joyce who was slightly laughing. "Ah yes, right this way." The matradee said walking to an empty table. "Your server will be right with you" he said setting the menus in front of them as Joyce and Hopper sat down. "Thanks" Hop nodded. Hopper and Joyce started looking over the menu where they kept glancing up at the other smiling.

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