Chapter 11: Early Friday

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Chapter 11:
Early Friday

*Friday 9:00 a.m. Breakfast table*

"So what are you kids doing tonight at the Wheeler's?" Joyce asked as they all sat eating breakfast. "Not sure maybe play some boardgames." Will answers while pouring syrup over his pancakes. "Sounds fun. What about you Jonathan?" Joyce asks the older sibling. "Me and Nancy are going to see a movie." Jonathan answers. "Well I hope you all have fun tonight." Joyce says with a smile and a quick glance at Hopper who was smiling back at her. "What are you two doing?" Jonathan asks with a small grin. "Us? Um... I'm not sure. Any ideas Hop?" Joyce looks over at Hop trying to look dumb. "Nope." Hop answers stuffing food in his mouth. "Well I guess just eat dinner and watch tv maybe?" Joyce shrugs her shoulders at Hopper. "yeah" Hop nods his head. But the kids didn't by it for a second. They were obviously up to something but they didn't know what.

"Well whatever you two figure out what to do I'm sure it will be boring." Jonathan says with a laugh. "Hey. We're not totally boring." Hop laughs back with a "shocked" expression. "Okay what did you do yesterday?" Jonathan asks looking at the both of them. "Well let's see... I woke up, ate breakfast, went to work, came home..." They all smiled when Hopper said "home" except for Hopper of course because he didn't even realize that he said that. "...Took a shower, ate dinner, watched tv, and went to bed." Hopper explained. "I did the same." Joyce laughed. "Sounds like a pretty boring day to me." El says and will and Jonathan nod turning to Hopper and Joyce. "Okay I don't like this hate were getting for working our asses off to make money and besides we kicked Russia's butt a couple weeks ago. that has to count for something" Hop says not as mad as it may have sounded. "Hop." Joyce interjects. "yeah?" He looks down at Joyce. "Do we really work our asses off? I mean I don't get that many customers and there isn't alot of crime right now besides the whole thing a few weeks ago." Joyce says with a small laugh. "I know but I was just trying to prove a point." Hop whispers to joyce. "what point?" Joyce laughs. "I don't know" Hop laughs back and so do the kids.

"Well Jonathan you go to work but are saying were boring?" Hop says looking straight at Jonathan. "Yeah I go to work but I still hang out with my friends and Nancy afterwards I don't come home and sit on the couch watching Magnum P.I the rest of the night." Jonathan says with a laugh. "Ooo that one hurt" Hop says grabbing his chest and acting like he got shot. "Do you two even have friends besides each other?" Will asks. "yeah we have friends." Hop says. "who?" El now joins. "Well there's a.." Hop begins. "Karen.." Joyce says as they count on there fingers. "uh...Murray?" Hop kinda asks. "yes Murray." Joyce agrees. "Uh...." They both say trying to think. "See..." Jonathan says as the kids laugh. "...Since you two don't have alot of friends you don't do anything so therefore are boring." Jonathan says.

"Well if you think we're so boring why don't we just go see a movie tonight Joyce?" Hop says giving her a look. "Oh yeah that sounds great. What movie?" "I'm not sure. What movie are you seeing Jonathan?" "Uh...The-...Wait no you two aren't coming to my movie." Jonathan says. "What you just said that were boring and you're not because you do stuff with your friends and Nancy so in order for us not to be boring I thought we could see a movie too and since you aren't boring it would be best to see what movie your watching so therefore we aren't boring." Hop says then looking at Joyce as they both nodded their heads. Jonathan sat there for a minute while El and Will were silently laughing. "Now I have to get to work so I'll see you tonight Jonathan." Hop says getting up with a tiny smile. He loved messing with that kid. "Bye." Hop says leaving. "bye" they all say except Jonathan. "You know he loves messing with you right?" Joyce laughs picking up everyone's empty plates. "Yeah I know it's fun messing with him too." Jonathan laughs which made Joyce smile.

"So you two aren't coming to the movies then?" Jonathan asks. "No." Joyce laughed. "okay" Jonathan said with slight relief. "Hey El?" Will says. "Yes Will?" El answers. "How about we go to the movies Tonight." Will says and Jonathan turns around. "Why that sounds like a great idea Will. How about we invite everybody!" El says back. They were both terrible actors I mean they couldn't even keep in character without laughing. "okay okay.." Jonathan says. "..cut it out.... I have to leave for work too. Bye" Jonathan says kissing Joyces cheek. "Bye sweetie have a good day." Joyce answers before Jonathan heads for the door. "Would you two like a ride to Mike's or are you taking Will's bike?" Joyce asks the two laughing kids. "ah.. We're going to just take my bike." Will answers. "okay well see you two tomorrow." Joyce says leaning down to kiss both of their heads. "bye mom." Will says. "Don't forget to lock the door when you leave." Joyce adds. "okay." Will answers. "bye" they all said as joyce exited the house.

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