Chapter 10: Cost

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Chapter 10:

A/N: I thought Gary was the coronor but he told Hop about joyce moving and stuff so I'm just going to make him the realtor. Also sorry for the weird chapter name I had no idea what to name it. 😂

*Garys office 10:30 am*

Hopper walked into Garys office. "Hey Chief you back already?" Gary says with a laugh. "yeah well I need help with something." Hop says sitting down at Garys desk. "What is it?" "Do you know about a house down maple it's overgrown and it's on a lake. "hmm let me check on that." A few minutes later Gary came back. "No I don't see any house like that. Sorry chief." "No that's fine. Uh... Even if there's not a for sale sign an nobody owns it is there a way for me to possibly to ah... buy it?" "Well if nobody lives there it's usually owned by the state by now so you would buy it from them." Gary says. "What about the price?" "Ah well I could come down and look at it and give you an estimated price if you want." "Are you free right now?" "Yeah sure" "Great thanks Gary."

Hopper pulled into the lot. "you want to buy here?" Gary says looking around. "Possibly." Hop says walking to the porch. After walking around the property for a little while Gary says. "Your going to need a contractor to talk to you about fixing it up but I would say since its got a big yard, and is on a lake I would say.... Maybe....$40,000. I mean the house itself isn't worth much anymore but once you clean it up I think this will be a pretty nice place." "Yeah me too." Hop says with a small smile. "I would say the next step would talk to a contractor before going any further and buying it." "Ok thanks Gary." "No problem Chief. Call me if your purchasing this place or have any questions." "Will do" Hop says before Gary drove off. Hop stayed a little while longer before he left for the station.

A/N: I don't know how much a house like this should cost back then so I'm just guessing.

When Hop arrived at the station he went for the phone book and started looking for contractors. After calling each name one agreed to come by today. But as Hopper was leaving Joyce came in. "Hey. I brought lunch!" She says seeing him in the hallway. "Joyce! Ah I was just leaving." Hop says. "Oh. That's ok you got a call. Um here take your lunch." Joyce says handing him the brown bag. "I'm sorry." Hop says grabbing the bag and kissing the top of her head. "It's okay Hop." Joyce says reassuringly. "Talk to you later. Okay?" "Okay" joyce says and they both smile before Hopper left.

"So how long have you two been dating?" Flo asks looking at Joyce. "What? We're not together." Joyce denies as she walks to Flo's counter. "In all the times you've come by here I've never seen him kiss your head. He also seems happier... you both do. Not to mention you brought him his hat yesterday." Flo says with that "I know so no point to lie" look. "Ok yes were together but we were trying to keep it on the down low for a little while." Joyce says with a small smile. "How long?" "Only three days." "But you already said "I love you" am I right?" "Yes" Joyce says smiling bigger. "yeah I thought so.." Flo says with a smile. "...You know I was rooting for you two to get back together for God knows how long." Flo says with a chuckle. "Really?" Joyce asks. "Oh yeah. I saw the way he looked at you and how when you would call with a problem or come by he would drop everything he was doing to make sure you were ok.." Joyce smiled. "He's a good man and he just wants to make you happy." "He is pretty great." Joyce replies looking down and smiling. "Um.. do you know why he rushed out of here so quickly?" "I don't know." "Did he get a call?" "Well if he did it didn't come through me first." "That's strange." Joyce says looking back at the door worried.


"Hi are you Bill?" Hop asks as the man got out of his truck. "Yes Sir..." Bill answers. "..Is this it?" "Ah yeah. If you could just estimate the cost of fixing it up and some of my options that would help alot." "Sure thing." Bill says as they both walk in the house. "Well your going to need to reinsalate the walls and flooring, add new plumbing and electricity. Which is just the basics." "Is there anything I can do to get the cost down? Like things I can do on my own and not hirer someone." "I would hirer a plumber and electrician to do the piping and wiring but once you get those things done you can do pretty much do everything else on your own which brings the cost down alot." Bill answers. They walked around the house and yard talking what needs to be done and pricing of each thing, how long it might take and just stuff like that.

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