Chapter 9: Henry

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Chapter 9:

A/N: Not great at picking chapter titles 😂

⇦ Continuing from last chapter

*8:00 p.m- Cabin*

"We should probably get going we told the kids 8:30." Hop says after he finished covering a hole in the wall. "Hold on... look what I found!" Joyce says setting a box on the floor from the storage below. The box labeled "Memories" "let's open it!" Joyce says as she lifts her self up from the hole in the floor. After putting down his hammer on the counter Hop lit a candle and walked over to joyce. They both sat on the floor against a wall as joyce opened the lid to the box. As she opened it there were a few small photo albums, a couple smaller boxes, and some loose papers and knick knacks. Joyce pulled out a photo album that read "Summer 1952". "this would have made us...." Joyce says thinking. "12" Hop says first. "yeah. Middle school. The year we started dating." Joyce says looking up at Hopper with a smile and he returned with a smile. Joyce slowly opened up to the first page. It was a picture of her and Hop running around in the sprinklers in Hoppers back yard on the first day of summer. "I remember this day. First day of summer 1952. We played in those sprinklers all day." He says laughing. "Yeah and we would have never left if your mom didn't make us eat dinner." She says laughing back. They scrolled through talking about each photo until they found a very special one, one that started it all. "Is this a photo from the night we first kissed?" Joyce says amazed. "Oh yeah..." Hop says picking it up. It was a picture of them standing at the entrance of the county Fair. "I kissed you on the ferris wheel." Hop says looking down at her smiling. "Yeah I remember." She says smiling back. Hop raps his arm around her and she leans her head on his chest. They continued to go through the albums until they checked the time. "Oh sh*t! The kids!" Hop says getting up in a hurry. "What time is it?" Joyce asks also getting up quickly. "9:30" Hop says picking up the photos. "sh*t" joyce says in response.

They quickly got in the car and headed to the wheelers house. "I guess we got pretty distracted." Hop says with a laugh looking over at joyce. "A bit" she says back with a laugh. "I'm kinda glad we need to fix up the cabin." Hop says. "why?" Joyce says back interested. "Well we wouldn't have found those old photos." Hop says smiling. "True. But you or someone would have found them eventually." Joyce says looking around trying not to look suspicious. "What do you mean?" Hop asks as he sees her looking suspicious. "I don't know like if you move.. or something like that you would find them." Joyce says shrugging her shoulders and playing nervously with her hands. Hop smiled. "You planning me to move somewhere Byers?" Hop asks playfully. "what? .. Noooooo, no, Na uh" she says trying to avoid the question. "ok then." He says smiling while watching the road.

Once they pulled up to the wheelers they both got out of the car and knocked on the front door. "Ted can you get that!?" Karen yelled from inside but there was no answer. "Ted!!" She called out again as she quickly walked to the living room. Ted was asleep, snoring in his chair. She rolls her eyes "Fine." Karen says as she walked over to open the door. "Oh hi Joyce!" She said going for a hug. "Hi Karen." Joyce says barely able to breath from Karens tight hug. "Hi Hopper." Karen says with a "I know you two are dating" smile. "Hey Karen Wer" Hop says before Karen interrupts him . "We're you two on a date?" She says smiling. "Uh No." Joyce answers looking over at Hop confused. "Oh.. what were you doing then?" She asks back still with a smirk on her face. "I was helping him fix his cabin." Joyce says getting annoyed. "Oh" she says looking back up to hopper while he stood with an awkward smile, his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his feet with a shrug of his shoulders. "Well come on in." Karen says moving out of the way. "thank you" joyce says genuinely and hopper nods.

"I'll let the kids know" Karen says walking over to the basement staircase. "El, Will Time to go!" Karen screams down. "Okay Mom!" Mike screams back. Karen walks back to joyce and hopper. "Can I get you anything?" She asks. "No that's alright." Joyce answers. "okay..." She nods. "..So Hopper where are you staying? You said your fixing your cabin?" Karen asks. "Me and El are staying with Joyce and the boys." He answers. "ahh" Karen answers with a smile. The kids then came up the stairs. "Hey kiddos..." Hop says to El and Will as they walk into the kitchen. "Did you win?" Hop asks. "We didn't finish the game yet. We're coming over tomorrow to finish." El answers. "Ok." Hop says. "Thank you Karen" Joyce says as they all walk to the door. "Yeah of course! Come over anytime!" She says letting them out." "Bye" they all say before she closed the door.

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