Chapter 6: The lake: Part 1

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Chapter 6:
The lake: part 1

When they arrived the rest of the group were already there unloading there stuff. Will and El jumped out of the car as soon as it was parked and ran up to the group. Then they started running over to jump in the lake leaving the older people to empty the cars until. "Hey!" Hopper says in a stern voice. "Everybody get back here and help carry something!" He says yelling at the kids. They all walked back with their heads down and embarrassed of being yelled at.

"These kids I tell you." Hope says shaking his head and grabbing some stuff out of the trunk. "I thought we were acting like teenages today not adults." Joyce says giving him a flirty smile. "Ah... Well any teenager would yell at kids if they didn't help out." Hop says. "Mhmhm sure" joyce says sarcastically.

After everything was taken out of the cars and set up Hopper gave permission for the kids to go in the lake. Hopper and Joyce were the only ones not in the lake because they wanted to play a few games of horseshoe. "your really bad at this." Joyce says laughing at him after missing the stake for the 3rd time in a row. "Oh be quit. Let's see how good you are. It's your turn now." Hop says laughing. "Okay I will." Joyce says confidentiality. "Haha! I got all three! In your face" joyce says doing her victory dance. "Alright fine that was pretty good I'll give you that" hop says clapping his hands as joyce bows.

After a few more rounds Hopper and Joyce began putting together lunch for everyone. "So...When are we going to start acting like stupid teenagers?" Hop asks looking up at joyce curiously with a smile. "Hey! Who said anything about STUPID teenagers!?" Joyce says playfully offended.  "I mean if we're going to act like teenages we might as well act how we used to when we actually were in highschool which is stupid" he says laughing. "hey speak for yourself, I was smart." "yes, you were and still are the smartest but whenever you were with me we acted pretty stupid." He stepped closer to her smiling. "well I guess you were just a bad influence" she says smiling back up to him. "I guess I was" he says back before just then the kids came running up for food.

"Alright go easy there! Two for each person then if we have extra you can come get more." Joyce says at the hungry teens. "Fine" most of the kids said disappointed. They all sat down and ate lunch. "Can we go on a hike after lunch?" Will asks them both. "Yeah sure sweetie." Joyce says in response and the kids got excited. "When you kids get back were going to play some games though." "Okay! That sounds fun." Will says back and they all agree.

After they ate the group started on one of the trails for there hike. Hopper and Joyce stayed behind. Joyce started to clean up when Hopper came up to her and taking the trash out of her hands before holding both her hands.

"Come on. Let's go in the water." He says pulling her away from the empty plates and cups she was cleaning up. "We have to clean up." She says trying to stand in one place while he's pulling her before he stops. "Come on the kids aren't here so we don't have to be the adults, it's just us. So will you come in.. for me?" He says giving her a goofy smile. "fine" she says giving up. "but just for a few minutes. Got it?" "Alright deal" he says pulling her towards the lake.

When they got to the edge of where the sand meets the dock Hopper took off his shoes and shirt. "Come on." Hopper says holding out his hand for hers. "I don't know" Joyce says looking down playing with her hands nervously. "What's wrong?" Hop asks concerned. "I haven't worn a swimsuit in awhile and I-i don't like how I.." "hey!" Hop interrupts her. "You are beautiful and shouldn't be ashamed of what you look like and what others think because sh*t joyce you are so f*cking beautiful." Hop says seriously to her and she blushes with a smile smile hoping he didn't see. "you mean that?" Joyce says looking up into his eyes. "Yes! of course I mean it Joyce" "Okay" she says before taking off her shirt and shoes but leaving her Jean shorts on.

She grabs his hand and they start running on the dock before jumping. "whoohoo" "ahhhh" they both said simultaneously as they jumped into the water. When they came above water they were smiling and started laughing. Hop went up and picked her up the best he could while treading water and threw her. "hey!" Joyce says coming up from the water. "that wasn't very nice" she says laughing and spitting out water. "Well I guess I'm not a very nice guy." He says swimming over to her smiling and she gives him a your the nicest guy look. When Hop stopped in front of her she gave him this evil look. "what's that look?" Hop asks confused and she raises her eyebrows more making her look more evil. She starts looking around and points to something behind him. Hop turns his head confused and as he turns his head back to her she splashes him.
"Hey! don't splash me!" Hop says to joyce. "what are you gonna do about it?" She says flirtily splashing him again. "Well I'm just going to have to get you for doing that." he says putting his hands up as if he was a monster before swimming after her as she starts swimming away. "you'll never catch me" joyce yells back to him. "hahaha we'll see about that." They swam around chasing each other for awhile and he would catch her but she would get away until He caught her again and she didn't get away this time.

"Hahaha got you!" He says grabbing her from behind. "how did you catch me? You were so slow." Joyce laughed. "hey I'm not slow your just fast." He says laughing while letting her go to face him. They started chasing each other around again and this time Hop would grab joyce and act like a whale flopping into the water drowning them both. They were splashing each other and were both laughing and acting like teenagers, like how they used too.

Hopper could touch the bottom of the lake, from where they ended up, with the upper part of his arms and head showing.  Where as for joyce her feet barely touched and her head was barely above water. "what? Only your toes can touch the bottom." Hop Says laughing at her. "ah be quite" she says annoyed. "Do you want help?" He says looking down at her. "Yes please." She says as if she just lost a debate. "Here." He says while moving towards her and holding her up against him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waste while he had his arms rapped around her back.

"Better?" He says smiling at her. "better" she says smiling back. He walkd around carrying her throug the water and going under water every so often messing with her.

"We should act like teenages more often" Hop says smiling at her as he spun around in circles still holding her. "yeah...We should." She says looking back at him with a grin. Hopper then stops. "Joyce" He says softly looking into her eyes with some pain in his eyes. "Yeah Hop?" Joyce asks looking into his eyes nervously. "I-i know that we.." Hop says studdering. "Just ate but I'm starving" He says giving her a goofy smile. "Really?!" She says letting go of him and starting to swim away. "Joyce come back" he says laughing and grabbing her "You scared me" she says turning around hitting him playfully. He just smiled while blocking her hits and she started to laugh. "Your a weird man Jim Hopper" she says rapping her arms and legs back around him "I know" he says with a goofy smile and rapping his arms back around her back before gliding through the water backwards and spinning joyce around with him.

They were both laughing and smiling and Hopper couldn't take his eyes off joyce. "What?" She says still laughing turning her head to him "why are you looking at me like that?" She says with a grin. "Like what?" He says back. "Like you want to kiss me" She says with a flirty grin. "Is that an invitation?" He says back with his eyebrows raised. "I don't know... Maybe." She says raising her eyebrows.

"I might have to take you up on that offer some time" he says moving his brows up and down. "Oh yeah?" She says moving her face closer to his. "yeah" he says back, moving even closer. "That's interesting" she says.  "is it?" "Yeah it is" "I don't think it's that interesting" he says while still moving closer. "And why is that?" "Because I've wanted to kiss you for a long time." He says while there lips now only about an inch apart . "Well why didn't you?" "Because I was stupid" he says before placing his lips on hers....

To be continued...

A/N: Hope you guys liked this chapter! Sorry it took so long but ahhhh they kissed! Anyways I'll post the next part hopefully soon! And thank you all for all the support on this I love you all! ♡

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