Chapter 8: Out and About

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Chapter 8:
Out and about

A/N: I realize they missed there enzo's date that would have been Friday but I didn't want that to happen yet so that's why it wasn't in my story.

It was around 8:30 a.m. on Sunday morning; the house was quite and everyone was soundly sleeping in there designated spots: Jonathan was in his bed, Will slept in his while El slept on a cot in his room and Joyce and Hopper? Well they were snuggled up in each other's arms in which people would call: "Joyces bed" but who knows maybe one day another name would be added on to that title. The day prior they had all went to the lake and were exhausted yet they still slept peacefully under the warm covers that draped over them.

It was now about 8:50 am as Hopper began to stir. As he slowly opens his eyes he sees a tiny little person snuggled up against him sleeping soundly with a small smile on her face, which no doubt made him smile. I mean how could he not smile? This woman sleeping in his arms is the woman he loves and who he has loved since kindergarten. This woman even loves him back ,which he still can't belive if he's being honest, that someone so..., time to enter Hoppers mind: amazing, smart, beautiful, brave, strong, cute, funny, generous, determined, adorable, gorgeous... Thats just to name a few that runs through Hops mind on a daily basis. The person sleeping next to him was none other than: Joyce f**king Byers, and he still couldn't belive it.

Hopper propped himself up on his elbow and began to play with her hair, as he usually does, which awoke Joyce. As joyce slowly opened her eyes she saw a man meeting her eyes with a smile as he slowly moved her hair back to place a soft kiss on her forehead. "good morning" he says as he meets her eyes again with a smile. "goodmorning" she says back with a big smile and a long stretch which made Hop laugh. "what?" She says interested after she finished stretching. "Nothing" he says still softly laughing. "Come on what is it?" "Fine... It's just you were so cute when you stretched it made me laugh." "Me stretching..Made you..Laugh?" She says confused. "yeah" he says nodding his head with a goofy smile. "your crazy" she says smiling as she rapped her arms around his neck and gave him a kiss. "Well if I'm crazy it's just because I'm crazy for you." He says with his eyebrows raised and a quick wink. "That was really cheesie..." she says laughing back. "..But lucky for you I happen to like cheesie" Joyce said and Hop smiled.

They both lean in and there lips lock again. Hopper breaks and says "you know if I would have known being cheesie would lead to this I would have done it alot sooner." "What are you talking about? you have always been cheesie." "I have?" Hop says confused. "yes you have. Its one of the many, many... reasons I love you." She says with a big ole grin on her face. "Oh really." He says playfully. "yeah." She says playfully back. "What are some other reasons why you love me." He says pulling her closer as she layed her head on his chest as they both looked at the ceiling. "Well your caring and sweet, funny, strong, an amazing dad, your also my best friend and you have always been there for me no matter what and not to mention how sexy you are." Joyce says and Hop smiled. "I love you so much" he says as he kissed the top of her head. "I love YOU so much." She says smiling while she lay on his chest.


Joyce was making breakfast when hopper came up behind her, slowly rapping his arms around her, giving her a kiss on her cheek and resting his chin on her head. "What are you making?" He asks curiously. "Eggs, bacon, and toast. The usual." She answers. "Sounds great" "definitely not as good as those eggo thing-a-mi-jigs you made yesterday" she says turning around in his arms with a smile. "The formal name is actually triple Decker eggo extravaganza but what you said was really cute." He says tapping his finger to her nose and Joyce blushed.

"After breakfast me and El are going to start cleaning up the cabin" "okay" joyce says with a smile but the truth is she didn't want him to move back into the cabin she wanted him to stay here and for them to become a big family but she knew she couldn't ask him to do that especially since they just confessed what they were feeling yesterday. Joyce didn't know that Hop was feeling the same way; however, He didn't want to force her into rushing things since him and El were just staying as guests and he never wanted to do anything to make joyce uncomfortable or unhappy so he knew he needed to get the cabin fixed up and move out.

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