Chapter 13: House

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Chapter 13:

      Joyce and Hopper began to unload the blazer. Joyce carried a bag into the bedroom and set it on the edge of the bed. She started to take things out and place them in different spots on the bed so she knew where to put them later. As she got to the bottom of the bag she noticed a Manila folder. She looked at it confused for a few seconds before picking it up. She then looked at the door way to make sure Hopper wasn't coming before slowly opening it. Once she opened it she saw cost payments, some paperwork, a short description and Polaroid of the torn up house. Joyce wasn't really sure what to think. Why would he be looking to move? And why didn't he tell me? She thought.

Joyce picked up the Polaroid and started looking closely at it when Hopper walked in carrying a large bag stopping as he sees what shes holding. Joyce looked up at him confused while she held up the picture. "What's this?" She asks quietly. Hopper set the bag by the door. "This is not how I wanted to ask you." He slowly sat down next to her on the bed. "ask me what?" Joyce asks confused. "I was actually going to bring it up on our date but I kinda forgot." He said scratching the back of his neck. "So what is this?" "Ok, well it's's a house." He says pointing at the picture. "yeah I can see that Hop." "Ok... yeah well uh this is completely crazy and I understand if you don't want too." "Hop..." She says trying to make him say it already.

"uh...Here it goes.." he takes a deep breath and starts speaking fast. "So I had this crazy idea to buy a house, don't worry I haven't bought it yet, and I was gonna a... by it for us... and uh I know you don't feel comfortable in this house anymore and I know it's selfish of me but I don't want you to move out of town and so I've been meeting with people on trying to find a way to buy it and fix it up and uh yea" he lets out a deep breath as he plays with his fingers and slowly looking up at her. Joyce was silent just kinda frozen not sure what she heard because well he went through that pretty fast.

"Joyce?" Hopper said trying to bring her back down to earth. "hmm uh yea?" She says blinking trying to focus on him. "Did you hear me?" He asks. "uh....yea well kinda but you talked really fast." She says still trying to figure out what he said. "um well the short version is I want to live with you, in a house that we have together, and live as a family. And yes I know this is very quick but I just want to wake up every morning next to you an-" "Hop." "Yea?" He slowly looks up. "Yes" "yes?" He asks widening his eyes. "yes!" She says excitedly. He then picks her up and spins her around before placing her back down. "Of course I want to live with you Hop." She smiles as they press their foreheads together. "I love you so freaking much Joy" He says with a giant smile on his face. "I love you too." She smiles as they kiss.

"wait. What about the kids? They don't even know we're together." Joyce said. "Um... maybe we can just let them know we're together and wait to tell them about the house?" He smiled. "Deal." She smiled back as she went on her tippy toes to kiss him again. "When can I see it?" She asks excitedly. "How about right now?" He smiles.


"Okay so it's a bit um..." "rough" Joyce interrupts him laughing while looking at the picture of the house. "Yea. A bit rough" he laughs.

Once they pulled in; Joyce's eyes widened. "Wow" Joyce says. Hopper looks over and smiles at her. "I mean I know this place needs alot of work but still." Joyce says getting out of the car. "Come on let's go inside." Hop says holding out his hand and she happily grabs it.

"Wow. There's alot of space in here." Joyce says looking around in the large open area. "yea. And we can do things however you want but I was thinking; maybe putting the kitchen here, living room here, and dining table over there." He says pointing to each spot making Joyce just smile at how excited he is. "and then this would be our room.." he says pulling her to the biggest offset room. "and there's two bedrooms and a bathroom over on this side." He drags her to the other side of the house. "Then..." He pulls her up the stairs. "Theres two bedrooms which I'm guessing Will and El will want and this big area which they would probably play D&D with those weirdo kids or whatever they want to do." Joyce just smiled at him. "what?" He asks. "nothing. It's just you've thought alot about this and it's really cute." Joyce says. "Well... I've only thought about this alot because I want it to be perfect...for you." He walks closer and holds her waste. "It is perfect." She smiles placing her hands on his chest. They both lean in, their lips meeting in the middle.

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