Chapter 14: Article

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Chapter 14: Article

A/N: The photo above is for me and Ei1027 and me and Inky only. 💀🖤

Also I am so so sorry I'm so bad at updating this it's just I started this chapter and then I got a concussion so I couldn't work on it and I'm still recovering from it so I'm sorry if this isn't the best chapter but hopefully you all will like it. Let me know if you have any ideas for this story. Speaking of this story I think it's almost time for it to come to an end. 😢 Let me know if y'all have any ideas for how you want it to end. Alright I'll stop now and let you read the chapter. 🤍


In the morning they took the kids to see the house. There were some "ehhs" when they first saw it but once they talked a little bit more and saw where their rooms would be it started to grow on them and when they showed Will the area where he could play D&D he was sold.

A/N: I have no idea how to buy a house so I'm just gonna skip all that.

"We bought a house!" Joyce and Hopper say excitedly as they walk into the Byers house with three excited faces looking at them. "You really got it?" Will asks excitedly. "Yes we did." Hop ruffles Wills hair. "I can't wait!" El says giving Joyce a giant hug. "Me too sweetie." Joyce hugs back. "So when do we move?" Jonathan asks. "Well you guys saw the house and how much work it needs..." "Yeah" the kids sigh. "..So I was thinking starting sometime tomorrow if I'm not too busy with work or you kids could go and clean it out a little tomorrow." "Okay me and El can do that!" Will answers. "Mom did you accept an offer on the house?" Jonathan asks. "Uh yeah I did." Joyce nods. "When do we have to be out?" "The buyers said whenever but would like to move in soon." Joyce smiles. "So...should we start packing?" "If you want too" "Ahh!!" El yells. "El what's wrong?" They all say worried. "I can't wait to tell Mike!" She says excitedly as they all breath a sigh of relief with a small laugh. "Oh and Max...Lucas, Dustin! Probably Steve since he's our mom." El begins as she heads for the phone. "I'll call Lucas and Dustin" Will says running off to his room. "I'm gonna call Nancy" Jonathan says walking off to his room. "I'm gonna call the bed." Hop says speeding off to the bedroom making Joyce laugh as she follows behind.

"Ring Ring... Ah yes...a hello bed.." Hop begins as he sits on the side of the bed. "Oh shut up." Joyce laughs closing the door behind her. "Shhh I'm on the phone." Hop whispers Making Joyce playfully roll her eyes. Joyce walks over to Hopper and wraps her arms around the back of his neck and gives him a...look. "ahhh... I'm gonna have to call you back." Hop sets his imaginary phone down. "Hi" Hop says placing his hands on her hips. "Hi" She says Back. "Do I need to talk to customer service?" Hop asks with his eyebrow raised. "Hmm...Yeah I think you do." She nods. "Oh I do, do I?" He says as they slowly lean in. "Yeah I think you do." "Hmmm" Hop says just before their lips meet. Hopper brings her closer as he brings his hand up to the back of her head. "I think this is the first time I've ever liked talking to customer service." Hop says pulling away for a brief moment. "Well our policy is to strive to make the customer happy" "Well thank God for that policy." He says swiflty picking her up and placing her on his lap. She let out a quick laugh as she wrapped her legs around his hips. "And I think this is the best worker to customer conversation I've had." She bites her lip. "hmm" he smiles before their lips meet again.

*Knock knock knock* Hopper let's out a sigh as Joyce pulls away hearing this knock. "yes?" Joyce asks as Hopper rests his head on her shoulder. "Can we come in?" Will asks from behind the door. Joyce looks at Hopper who gives her puppy dog eyes and shakes his head No rapidly. "Yeah come on in." She laughs getting off Hoppers lap. Will and El walk in. "Whats up?" Joyce asks. "Can we start on the house... today?" Will asks as him and El give puppy dog eyes. "Well aren't you two eager." Hop laughs as he gets up. "Why not" Hop shrugs looking at Joyce. "yay!" Will and El say excitedly. "You up for some cleaning?" Hop says to Joyce. "Not like I don't clean everyday." She laughs. "Alright go get changed." Hop says to the kids before they run off to Wills room.

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