Ch-2 They aren't Quirks How Dare You!

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"Shiro... Please pay attention..." The teacher person lightly tapped on my desk to make he open my eyes from my wonderful nap, and I did... For about a second to give her a famous Uchiha glare before going back to sleep.

Ugh, the academy is so boring! I blinked as I started hearing something, a sound... Like someone stabbing something into wood. I lifted my head up right as the teacher turned and we both saw my bud, Naru, carving something into his desk.

"NARUTOOOO, YOU BRAT, OUT OF THE CLASS NOW!" She yelled, and I blinked. She treated Naruto a lot worse than needed. He didn't need to get kicked out of the class... Ugh, stupid suck ups. I smacked my palm to my face as I realized she was trying to get on the Uchiha clan head's good side.

Yeah, I'm the clan head, so what? It just means I'm good at politics and crap. I had to be or all those greedy old people would have swindled the Uchiha belongings and other Uchiha stuff from me. I smirk, like I'd ever let them in the first place even if I didn't know politics.

As Naru walked by me I whispered to him, "Hey, I'll get you today's lesson so you don't fall behind." Naru grinned at that and left the room without a comeback for once.

Still... I'll get him today's lesson, not tomorrow's or anything because I'm getting out of this hellhole. It's only been six months and I'm already sick of it! It sickens me even more because despite me not doing anything, and I mean that literally, I haven't turned in one worksheet or even done the tests, they still treat me like royalty!

I hate it! I hate even more because Sasu-chan and I have to deal with, urgh... Fangirls! Those annoying girls shouldn't even be trying out to be kunoichi, they don't deserve such a title for only trying to be here for boys!

Ah... I do love the free food though. They have a cafeteria for students, but most opt to just bring their lunch instead.

I am getting out of here I don't care about the free food anymore!... Though it was delicious... No! Stop this nonsense Shiro, you want freedom more than food! I nodded to myself.

Back to the real world, I noticed the lesson was over. I walked up to the teacher's desk as everyone ran out the door. I put on my act and scratched my head sheepishly. "Hey uh... Sensei? Could I have a copy of today's lesson so I could study it tonight?"

The teacher lady smiled like I hadn't even been sleeping in her class and handed me a copy... Bitch. Though instead of voicing my thoughts I politely smiled and nodded before taking the copy and walking out the door.

I reached out my Chakra and sensed Naru's gigantic signature immediately. No one except the clan children, Naru, and Sasu-chan and I know how to use our chakra. I taught Naru personally, because no one else would.

I followed his chakra signature and arrived at a lonely park. He was sitting on a swing, looking extremely depressed. I walk up to him, waving the papers in my hand, "Yo, Naru, here you are, just make sure you study hard cause you know how much I hate that woman."

He grinned when he saw me and snatched the papers out of my hand, "I owe you big time Shiro! Thanks dattebayo!"

I nodded as he ran off. With my hands stuffed in my pockets I started humming, walking back to the academy. "Hakuna Matata, have no worries, for the rest of your days~ it's my problem free, philosophy, Hakuna Matata!"

I laughed as I shot off with a burst of speed and arrived at the academy within ten seconds. Stupid short, stubby legs... The academy gates were still open so that meant some teachers were still here. Probably grading.

I walked to my classroom and noticed the b- I mean Sensei, grading papers. "Hey... Sensei, can I take the graduation exam?"

She looked up in shock, "You've only been here for six months... You have to have been in the academy for two years at least!"

"Eh... Can I just try? I mean I am a Uchiha after all." I was going to use their want to please the Uchiha to it's fullest.
Stupid suck ups.

"Oh of course, of course! I'll talk to the other Sensei and be right back!" She ran out the door, and I stood there for ten minutes before she came back with two others. I recognized one as Iruka-sensei and the teme, Mizuki. Iruka was actually worthy of the title while Mizuki, I remembered his name because of how much a jerk he was to Naru.

"So, you think you are ready Shiro?" Iruka asked nicely... Atleast he wasn't someone who was nice just cause I'm a Uchiha.

"Yeah. What do I have to do?" I was immediately given a test paper, urk, I hate written tests! Not that I'm bad at them, I'm just too... I am not lazy alright! I just see no point in academics!

I pull a pencil out of my pocket and speed through the test before handing it in. Too easy. I hide a smirk beneath my high collar as the bi- I mean Sensei, sorry... Not really. She is in shock most likely from the look on her face because I haven't done anything, not even tests.

"Alright, next you need to show accuracy of throwing kunai and shuriken." Iruka kindly said. We walked out to the target practice fields and he handed me ten kunai and twenty shuriken. I held eight kunai inbetween my fingers on both hands and crossed my arms, then straightened them out while simultaneously flicking my wrists and releasing the kunai.

They hit the eyes, major arteries, the heart, the liver, and the knee caps. Then I just threw all of the rest of them five at a time until they were gone. The dummy looked like a pin cushion, and the area where the targets had been were obliterated.

"Alright, good job Shiro! The last things you have to do are the three jutsu of the academy, Kawarimi, Henge, and Bunshin." I henged into the Yondaime Hokage, seeing as I'd seen a picture of him before in the Hokage tower and I thought he looked cool. Then I Kawarimied with a kunai on the top of the dummy's head and crouched on the top of it before lastly doing a single hand seal and making ten illusionary bunshins, all of them looking like the Henge I was under.

"Wow, you pass! Though I have to wonder how you knew the three jutsu Shiro..." Iruka not so subtlety questioned me.

"Ah... I study a lot more than people think. Anyways... Who's team am I going to be on since no one else has graduated?"

"You will have to find someone willing to take you on as an apprentice before you can officially be a ninja of Konoha." Iruka laughed and I blinked, then...

"WHAT?!" The shout could be heard all across Konoha.

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