Ch 18-Hm... Genin Test?

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<I'm really sorry!! But I noticed that the story cut off and I was mad, so so mad! So I had to rewrite this chapter T-T I hope it's better than before!>

"So... What are we doing here again?" I yawn and rub at my eyes for the umpteenth time. It's so damn early! Who the hell wakes up this freaking early I mean seriously??

"Let's show the power of youth!" Rips across the town into my hearing range. I slap my hand to my face and drag it down in exasperation.

"Of course... Only Gai and his clone would see this as a normal time to wake up..." With a sigh I slumped down against the tree's trunk, sitting on the branch with my legs dangling.

"It's not that bad... See, we should have some entertainment soon. Oh look, here they are now." I watch through half-lidded eyes as the newly reborn team seven walks into the training ground. With a roll of my eyes I mutter, "Wake me up when it's time and so help me if you don't wake me up on time I'll raze that series of porn books into the ground."

"It's not porn, it's a romance and literature novel!" He defended his books vehemently.

I deadpan at him. "It's porn. And the fact that you read this stuff in front of kids speaks great lengths about you... And not in the best way, Hatake."

"... They are ninja now, it shouldn't matter. You know this, nothing really matters in the ninja world except for two things, completing your mission... And comrades." His tone is oddly serious, I tilt my head slightly, and for some reason, resigned.

I tease him slightly in hopes of making his mood go up a bit. "Oh... Aren't you forgetting about Icha Icha? Your... romance novel, ne?"

It seems to have worked because I can see the outline of a smirk under his mask. "How could I ever forget? Thank you for reminding me, Shiro-kun."

I try to hide my face inside of my turtleneck's high collar, but apparently it doesn't work very well as I can hear him snickering, making my blush deepen slightly.

"Well... You have thirty minutes to catch up on sleep. Go ahead, I won't keep you." He said... softly? I'm not sure how to describe what his voice sounded like... It was low, and had kindness coating it, so perhaps softly would be the best word. I try to wrap my fogged mind around something to keep me in the world if consciousness, but to no avail.

My head tilts slightly and my eyes close.

Shiro Uchiha, you will come to me eventually... You will be mine. I will be waiting for you Shiro-kun...

His dastardly smirk is clearly visible in my mind's eyes, sounding that same demented noise that can be called laughing. I clutch my head as he taunts me.

"Leave me alone!" I shout at him, starting to panic and lose control.

You think you can be a sensei? You will never be a... good one. You bear my mark, come to me like a good little boy...

His creepy voice resonates throughout my mind, making me clutch my head tighter, almost to the point of pain. I feel tears start to trail down my face. When I open my eyes, he is there with a giant white snake with a scary head.

All he does is snap his fingers and the snake thing, which I notice is made up of hundreds of tiny white snakes, charges at me, it's strange mouth opened in an everlasting terrifying grin. I scream as it's about to reach me and eat me.

"Shiro..." What? The snake is getting closer!

"Wake..." I feel some invisible force shaking me. Then a slap across my face and the vision clears.

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