Ch 10-Preliminaries are Stupid...

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"Hey, Raven boy, the preliminary is going to start soon. Comeon. I want you to kick everyone's asses and show them who's boss!" I grinned at my Shishou and ran after her retreating figure.

We arrived in the arena. I laughed happily as I saw the competition. It seemed there would be some good fights! All of the other Chunin hopefuls glared at me as I laughed freely, but I didn't care.

"Alright, if anyone wants to leave now they can, because from here on out it's everyone for themselves." A sickly looking proctor person announced. I looked around and noticed about seven teams had passed. Three people left. Now there were eighteen people... Nine fights.

"Alright, first up, Ai Kyobusha and Rin Anaian." Both wore headbands with the Iwa symbol engraved on them. They didn't look reluctant to battle eachother though... Wasn't teamwork apart of all ninjas' life aspect?

"Heh. Try not to embarrass Iwa with your weakness Rin. You know Tsuchikage-sama won't be pleased with weakness, especially showing it to our enemy, the Konoha scum." Rin had her feet pointed inwards and she was looking downwards... A sure sign of a timid person.

She reminded me of another person, my friend Hinata. That meant she'd become stronger too. I heard her say something. "Ai... I, um, I am... not weak... I c-can do it..."

Ai immediately shot her down. "Y-y-you are an i-i-idiot! What kind of ninja stutters?! You're an embarrassment to ninja everywhere, especially Iwa! Give up and go home you disgrace of a ninja!"

"Um... Let the match begin..." The sickly proctor interrupted.

"Hey! You can't just talk about her like that! You're the disgrace! What kind of ninja doesn't support their comrades?! Rin, show him who's boss!" Everyone looked shocked at my words. I didn't care whether she was from the friendliest village or the number one enemy of Konoha. She was a person above all, and her own comrade, who should have encouraged her to fight her best even if they were opponents, was being a jerk to her.

"Thank you..." She whispered. I heard her and nodded. She glared at Ai, and dashed forward, her hands glowing green... Wait, green?

Ai barely dodged her strikes, but when he finally got hit by one he let out a scream. Everyone watched as his skin melted away in that area in horror. I just grinned, she was a lot stronger than she seemed.

"You bitch! I'll make you pay!" He slammed his fist onto the ground and I just watched on as a silverish liquid crawled up his arm before hardening. Then I realized what it was. Iron.

He ran at her, his iron covered fist raised, and she easily dodged it. The iron must be slowing him down. He did a quick roundhouse kick and it nicked her in the side. She coughed up blood as she held her side in pain... No... She can do it!

As if my thoughts had reached her, she ran at him, her entire body giving off a greenish glow. She struck home with kicks, punches, knee jabs, anything she could try to hit him with she did. Eventually she stopped, breathing heavily, because Ai had passed out.

"Winner, Rin Anaian!" She let a soft smile cross her face before she passed out.

I looked around. Everyone... Everyone was ready to kill, even comrades were ready to kill eachother. What was the Chunin exams really about?

"Kabuto Yakushi versus Nimi Kora!" An Ame girl and a Konoha boy walked down to the arena. Kabuto smelled of snakes and reeked of death... Just like him. The boy was smirking and even with those glasses something about him screamed sinister. I already hated him.

The Ame girl was shaking. I just looked on. She was faking it. No one would be that scared and be a ninja, a person may be shy and timid, but never scared so badly they were shaking... Unless she knew something about him that we didn't.

"Begin!" And with that Kabuto shot off at a speed faster than most Chunin. I had activated my Sharingan to see and was currently gripping that painful area on my neck, which was getting worse with every moment.

Use the power...


Use it... It will make the pain go away...

My control is weakening...

You will be able to protect all those you wish to protect... Just come to me!

Never, Gah! I grit my teeth as I watch a strange pattern cover my hand. It reminds me of a cloud, except it is a sinister black instead of a pure white. It continues to spread and I fall to my knees, panting.

I faintly hear Kabuto being announced the winner and open my eyes. What happened to that girl will forever be carved into my mind. Her body was covered in blood, arms and legs severed, and her face contorted in a silent scream.

How had he done this, why had the proctors let him? Or maybe... They weren't expecting it... And weren't quick enough to react.

Hands helped me up and I started to force the clouds back as best I could. Slowly they started receding, and I gave a slight smirk, though it was strained. Atleast I was able to keep my Sharingan activated through it all.

"Hey... Kid, you alright?" I look behind me to see it's Echo. I nod at her and she lets me stand on my own before walking past me... But she says something that makes me freeze as she walks by.

"You have to control it. Or you will be taken out of the Chunin Exam."

I give her the glare most Uchiha were known for, but I doubt it is as effective as it could be since I am just a kid right now. She of course ignored it and I am left to watch the rest of the matches.

Nothing more exciting happens and I am unluckily given a suspicious pass. Now everyone is looking at me like I am a weakling... Damnit you stupid proctors!! I should have been able to fight to show people not to mess with the Uchiha, now they think my clan is some sort of joke, well I'll show them in the final rounds!

"Alright... Here are the orders of the final battles. The first match is..." I ignore every single thing until I finally hear my own name.

"The fifth match is Shiro Uchiha versus the winner of the fourth match." Who the hell are the fourth match competitors? I probably should have paid more attention to the matches... Oh well, no use worrying over that, I'll just follow my motto, Hakuna Matata~!

I tune in as the winners and myself walk to the middle of the arena where we see... The Sandaime (Third) Hokage! I let out a silent giggle, he's so old, hehe...

"Alright. It is time you know what the Chunin Exams are really." Everyone looks at eachother with questioning glances while I just tilt my head. He continues. "They are a substitution for... War. The villages can showcase their strength through their genin in these competitions to receive missions and such from the spectators that will be watching during the final competition. In this case, the genin are fighting for their village's pride, to show how strong their village is in place of actual war."

I knew there was something else... But to think, war of all things? What he says makes some sense, I think so anyways.

I tune back in just in time to hear what he says next. "You will have one month to train any new abilities and techniques so you can surprise your opponent. Dismissed." I was about to run to find Shishou when a masked man grabs me and the next thing I see I am in a room alone with the masked man, my Shishou, and the Sandaime Hokage.

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