New Friend

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*It's been four weeks and Clover runs into Draco and drops her bag. He picks it up and hands it back.*

'Sorry love'
Dray: "I've been looking all over for you"
'Oh really?'
Dray: "Yes."

*They start walking down the hall together*

'So handsome, any plans tonight cause I was thinking about me and you?'
Dray: "Yeah actually my parents need help tonight."
'Then I'll just find something else to do. Bye Dray.'
Dray: "Wait Clover"
Dray: "I can cancel it."
'Don'tlove. don't wanna make your parents mad.'
Dray: "They're always mad. They can get over it."

*He holds out his hand and she takes it and they walk down the hall together. Hermione, Ron, & Harry see and start to talk.*

Har: "There goes the iconic perfect couple. Who thinks they're all this and that. And she thinks she's so bad because she's a vampire too and is super strong."
Mione: "Harry she can hear us shut up."
'Dray my love give me a moment.'
Dray: "Of course"

*She speeds over to the three of them*

'Do we have a problem Potter?'

*She puts her hand on her hip.*

Har: "I don't know what you're talking about."

*She grabs him by his shirt and lifts him in the air.*

'This is only a warning if you talk shit anymore your head will get ripped off and I will drain your body. Got it?'
Har: "Okay, okay"

*She puts him down*

'Okay good. See you later, Mione we still on for girl's night tomorrow?"
Mione: "Of course"
'See you later'

*She winks. And speeds back next to Draco*

Dray: "You okay love?"
'Yep! Let's go to one of our rooms.'
Dray: "Ooooo okay."

*They go to the Slytherin room and see pansy and blaise are on the couch*

Pan: "Draco you're supposed to be with your parents"

*Draco looks at Clover*

Dray: "I got other plans. Come on love let's go upstairs."

*Draco and Clover walk upstairs. Pansy and Blaise look at each other.*

Pan: "He is not gonna have sex with that?"

*Clover hears it and tells Draco to hang on. She walks down the stairs.*

'Got something to say Pansy say it to my damn face bitch.'

*She gets up an gets in her face.*

'I would back down now cause you will be the one losing.'
Pan: "You don't scare me."

*Clover brings her fangs and eyes turn red and she gets closer to Pansy.*


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