Dark Magic

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*Clover wakes up to her phone vibrating. She looks at it and sees it's a text from her godmother Bonnie.*

*Text conversation*

Bonnie: "You used my spells to kill?"
'What no. He came at me. Elena compelled him.'
Bonnie: "She wouldn't."
'Of course don't believe me. Do what ever the fuck you want Bonnie but just leave me the hell alone then.'

*She puts her phone down and looks at Draco she starts to play with his hair and he slowly wakes up.*

Dray: "Good morning beautiful. Is it the day of the dance?"
'I guess so baby. Cause it looks like another day and well it is Thursday yesterday was Wednesday so well yes I'm so excited. Oh my, we need to get back to Hogwarts so I can get ready with the girls.'
Dray: "Darling it's only eight in the morning."
'Fine then let's get breakfast.'

*She does a spell that changes her clothes.*
*Her clothes*

*She turns around

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*She turns around.*

'So let's go get some.'

*She opens the door. Draco looks and realizes they're still at his house. He gets dressed fast and runs down the stairs. Clover walks to the kitchen and sees his parents are there. She waves at them. Draco comes behind her.*

Narcissa: "Draco who's this?"

*Clover walks up to her and puts her hand out and smiles.*

'Hi I'm Clover Mikaelson.'
Narcissa: "You're the vampire girl."
'I don't like when people describe me that way. I'm just Clover.'
Narcissa: "I'm sorry dear. Please sit down for breakfast."

*Clover smiles and sits down next to Narcissa. Draco sits the opposite way from her. They start to grab food and put it on their plates and Lucius keeps looking at Clover. She looks up and looks at him.*

'Excuse me, do you have a staring problem?'
Narcissa: "Lucius don't, be nice she is our guest.
*She looks at Draco.* Draco dear are you and her going to the dance together?"
Dray: "Yes we are actually."
Lucius: "You're pathetic boy."
Narcissa: "Lucius how dare you say that."
Lucius: "It is the truth. She slept over so that means they had sex. I don't want a grandchild yet."
Dray: "Father that's something me and my girlfriend will decide when we want a baby."

*He looks at Clover and smiles. She smiles back.*

Lucius: "And also it is just a stupid dance he has more important things to do than that."

*Clover starts to get pissed. Her eyes change a different color. They aren't red when she turns they're pitch black.*


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A Mikaelson goes to Hogwarts ✅Where stories live. Discover now