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*She stops and looks at the person's face.*

'Hey you're that Five guy who teleported.'
Five: "Yeah that's me."
'Why are you back? Thought you weren't a wizard?'
Five: "I had to see you again."
Five: "You're the daughter of Klaus Mikaelson right?"
Five: "So you're also a vampire?"
'No. I'm just a witch. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go get food in the great hall.'

*She walks off and he teleports in front of her.*

'What the hell.'
Five: "We need to talk. Your father was friends with mine. He has something I want."
'My father has something you want?'
Five: "Yes it's important."
'Sorry can't help.'

*She walks off and he grabs her wrist tightly and pulls her back.*

'Let go of me.'
Five: "I need it."

*Someone grabs Five and throws him on the ground.*

Dray: "She said let go of her."
Five: "Who are you?"
Dray: "Your worst fucking nightmare. Now leave."
Five: "Not until I get what I want."
'What does my father even have that you want so bad?'
Five: "I told you something that was my fathers. I want it."

*All her friends start to walk by and see them. They all walk up.*

Fred: "What's going on? It's you again."
Five: "I want it. And you will give it to me."
Fred: "Hey don't threaten her. I'll kill you."
Five: "You won't even have the power to do that."
'He might not. But I will. Now you either leave or I'll fucking kill you.'

*She smiles and her eyes turn pitch black.*

Five: "That's bullshit you're scared of your grandfather."
'Not anymore but nice try. So you're staying so that means you want to die? Let's do this then.'

*She grabs her knife that she took from home and holds it up to him.*

Mione: "Where did she get that?"
Fred: "Baby don't."

*He goes beside her she looks at him.*

Fred: "Baby please."
'Get out of the way Freddie. I don't want to hurt you.'

*He backs up and she looks back at Five*

'Now I'll give you one last chance you can leave and never come back and don't even try and take whatever you want from my father. Cause I will find you and fucking kill you. Or I can kill you right now. Your choice, love.'

*Everyone just backs up and stays out of her way.*

Five: "You're crazy."

*She laughs.*

'Oh honey you haven't seen crazy. I don't care who knows it or sees it. Don't mess with me little boy. I'll cut you up. And send each piece of your body to your family. Legs, arms, dick, head, feet, hands, and etc it'll be so fun.'

*Everyone's eyes go big. He backs up.*

Five: "Okay I'm sorry. I'll leave now."
'Good choice.'

*He disappears and she turns around and looks at everyone. Her eyes go back to blue and she puts her knife up.*

'He'll never come back unless he wants to die. Come on let's go eat guys.'

*She smiles at them all. She walks off. They all walk behind her.*

Fred: "Why are you following Malfoy nobody wants you here."
Dray: "I helped her."
Fred: "So? She doesn't want you anymore. What you did was not cool. She may forgive you but I will never. So stay the hell away from my girl."

A Mikaelson goes to Hogwarts ✅Where stories live. Discover now