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*Clover goes an opposite way than anyone she goes to the quad and stands there and screams and then falls to the ground and buries her face into her hands.*


*She hears someone walking up to her. She looks up. She looks up and doesn't recognize the person.*

'Who are you?'
Tonks: "I'm Tonks and you are?
'I'm Clover Mikaelson.'
Tonks: "Oh you're the vampire girl. why are you here all alone?"

*She sits beside Clover.*

'Yeah I'm her don't remind me. And I needed to clear my head.'
Tonks: "Then why did you scream that you wanna die?"
'Because I do.'
Tonks: "Why?"
'Cause I'm a vampire again and I didn't wanna be. Now the guy I'm in love with is scared of me. I have to drink blood in order to stay alive. I hate it. I just wanna be a human again. But it'll take months for a new cure.'
Tonks: "Why don't you just love who you are?"

*Clover stands up.*

'Be me for a damn day and you'll know why I don't love who I am.'

*She walks off. Tonks follows her.*

Tonks: "I'm sorry. But you're a beautiful girl. You seem like a sweet person and you care so much for Draco. I don't know how you feel. But I want you to help me understand."
'Why do you even care? You don't know who I am.'
Tonks: "I know some. I know you're in love with Draco Malfoy. And you just told me you don't love who you are. But you should Clover, you're so beautiful and you have the biggest heart, you shouldn't change yourself for anyone. But if it's what you want to do for you, not anyone else."
'I just wanna be human again for me.'
Tonks: "But you're stronger than anyone."
'Yeah I know but I don't wanna be this person. I'd be better off dead.'

*Tonks puts her hand on her shoulder.*

Tonks: "Hey don't say that. Think about how many people's hearts would break if you were gone. Just because you aren't human doesn't mean you don't have a purpose in life."
'Thank you. I appreciate it so much.'
Tonks: "No problem."
'It was nice talking to you Tonks but I need to head to my room now.'
Tonks: "It was nice talking to you too Clover. And remember what I just said."
'I will. Thank you.'

*She smiles and walks off. And heads back to her room she starts thinking about what Tonks said. She sees Draco talking to Pansy and Blaise. She listens from a distance.*

Pan: "Are you scared of her?"
Dray: "Sorta."

*Tears run down Clover's face. She runs past them and they see her makeup is running. She runs to her room and locks herself in her room. She goes to her closet and gets the Vodka out and starts to chug it. She chugs the whole bottle. Draco, Pansy, & Blaise all walk in the common room and they hear her throw something up the stairs and hears it break. She threw the empty bottle and glass shatters everywhere. They all run up the stairs.*

Dray: "Clover?"
'Go away.'
Dray: "Baby please open the door."

*Pansy pushes the boys out of the way. She knocks softly on the door.*

Pan: "It's Pansy. Open up please Clover talk to me."
'Please just go away.'
Pan: "Open the door."

*She opens the door and then closes it behind her.*

Pan: "Clover what's wrong?"
'Draco is what's wrong.'
Pan: "What about him."
'He's scared of me that's what. Now if you don't mind I'll like to drink in peace.'
Pan: "Stop, don't."
'Too late.'

*She grabs another bottle of Vodka out of her closet and chugs it. Draco unlocks the door. And walks in and sees the glass on the floor and the empty bottle in her hand. He takes it away from her.*

Dray: "Stop this."
'Don't tell me what to do.'
Dray: "Baby this is stupid. You're acting stupid."
'Oh wow okay.'

*She jerks the bottle out of Draco's hand and sits down on her bed and chugs it. She puts it on her night stand.*

'Well I gotta do something to get you off my damn mind.'
Dray: "Clover I'm sorry."
'Oh are ya now?'
Dray: "Yes baby I am."
'Can you all please just leave me alone. I just wanna go to bed.'
Dray: "Okay. We'll leave you alone."

*They all walk out of her room. She takes her clothes off and lays down on her bed and pulls the covers over her face. And she slowly falls asleep.*

A Mikaelson goes to Hogwarts ✅Where stories live. Discover now