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*She walks out and heads to the great hall. She walks in and goes and sits next to her friends.*

'Hey guys.'
Bl: "Hey Clo."
Pan: "Hey girl."
'Where's Draco?'
Bl: "I have no idea."

*Clover sighs and looks at Pansy.*

'So the ball is in 5 days how are you feeling?'
Pan: "I'm so excited. We're definitely dancing together too. I hope you know that."
'Well duh silly goose.'

*Clover looks over and sees that Fred is looking at her. She tells Pansy and Blaise to be quiet so she can hear what he's saying. She listens.*

Fred: "You know I really do miss Clover."
Ginny: "Shouldn't have cheated then Fred."
Fred: "What does she even see in Draco? He's evil."
Mione: "You know she can hear people's conversations right?"
Fred: "She wouldn't be listening; she's too busy with them."
G: "Then why is her hand on her ear towards our table?"

*Fred looks over and sees.*

Fred: "Shit."

*Clover looks at him with a mean mug and waves at them. Fred lays his head down and everyone laughs at him. And Clover just starts talking to Pansy and Blaise again.*

'Why is Draco like never here? Does it have to do with Voldy?'

*Pansy looks at her funny.*

Pan: "Voldy?"
'Yeah Voldemort that's his nickname I gave him. He thinks it's funny and likes it.'
Bl: "Wait you met him?"
'Yeah he asked me to join him and some others. Whatever that means.'

*Blaise and Pansy look at each other.*

'What guys?'

*Pansy changes the subject.*

Pan: "Look there's Draco."

*Draco starts walking towards them and sits next to Clover. He doesn't speak to her at all and doesn't even look at her. She just sits there and starts to eat until they're dismissed to their first class. Clover walks to Potion class by herself and sits alone. Draco sits beside her. She looks at him.*

'Are you okay?'
Dray: "Yeah why wouldn't I be?"
'I don't know you were very quiet in the great hall.'
Dray: "I'm fine love don't worry about it."
'Draco what did that guy mean when he wanted me to join him?'
Dray: "Uh nothing love he was just kidding."
'You're lying and you know I hate liars.'
Dray: "It's for your safety darling."
'Oh here we go. Why does everyone feel the damn need to protect me? I'm a fucking vampire I can rip someone's head off in just a second but do I? No I don't but I can. You know what I don't feel like being in class today I'm leaving.'
Dray: "Snape won't let you leave."
'Wanna bet.'

*Snape walks in and Clover gets up.*

Snape: "Sit down."

*She looks him in the eyes and starts to compel him.*

'You're gonna let me leave and give me an A for today. Cause I don't wanna be here today. Got it?'
Snape: "Yes Miss Mikaelson on you go."

*Clover turns around and smirks at Draco, everyone looks at her. She hears Ron say something to Harry before she leaves.*

Ron: "She just compelled him and got away with it bloody hell wish I could do that."

*She laughs and walks out and runs into Hermione.*

Mione: "Oh I'm sorry."
'It's alright. Hey why aren't you in class?'
Mione: "Long story. Why aren't you?"
'I compelled Snape to let me leave.'
Mione: "Wish I could do that."
'I can go back and compel him to let you too if you want.'
Mione: "No I need to get my studies in and learn."
'Come on we can have a girls day.'
Mione: "No thanks. I should be going now."
'Okay suit yourself.'

*They go their opposite ways. Clover bumps into Fred & George.*

G: "Well hello there."
G: "Why aren't you in class?"
'Don't feel like it.'
G: "Wanna join us?"
'No thanks.'

*She pushes through them and heads to her dorm and just sits on her bed and just gets on her phone and texts her father. Conversation between Clover and Klaus.*

'Hey father, any luck on the cure?'
Klaus: "No love I'm sorry. It's gonna take a little longer."
'That's okay father. I'm just debating on if I wanna be one or not. But if the cure is done soon let me know please.'
Klaus: "Of course I will dear. I want you to be happy. How's school?"
'It's going okay. I compelled a teacher to let me leave class cause I don't wanna do anything today.'
Klaus: "Clover Rae that's wrong. But what's wrong?"
'I know father just needed time to myself. I'm sorry.'
Klaus: "Don't apologize buttercup. You want to talk about it?"
'Just so much is going on. And the dance is in five days and I doubt I'm gonna even look good.'
Klaus: "Honey you are always beautiful don't be so down on yourself. You will look stunning. Make sure to take pictures and send them to me. I want to print them out."
'Thanks dad. And I will don't worry. Thanks for not getting mad at me for not wanting to deal with anything today.'
Klaus: "Of course. Everyone needs a day to themselves or more than one. But darling I need to go. Some things are going on with your aunt and I need to fix it."
Klaus: "Yes. Don't worry about it, love. Dad is handling it. Just worry about yourself. I love you."
'Okay father. I love you too.'

*End of the conversation. Clover lays her phone down and just stares at the ceiling until she decides to get up. She gets a bottle of vodka out of her closet and sits on the floor with the bottle just looking at it. She lays her head down until she decides to get up and listen to music and starts dancing. She turns on Big Time Rush and starts to dance her heart out. An hour passes and she's still dancing to Big Time Rush. Draco, Pansy, & Blaise walk in the common room and hear the music and hear her singing.*

'Wait a minute before you tell me anything,
How was your day?
Cause I've been missing
You by my side, yeah
Did I awake you out of your dreams?
I'm sorry but I couldn't sleep
You calm me down
There's something 'bout the sound of your voice
I-I-I-I'm never never
Never as far away as it may seem, oh
Soon we'll be together
We'll pick up right where we left off.'
Pan: "Wow she has a beautiful voice."

*They walk up the stairs and listen more. She knows they're there but doesn't care. She sings some more.*

'Paris, London, Tokyo
There's just one thing that I gotta do
Hello, tuck you in every night on the phone
Hello, tuck you in every night)
And I can hardly take another goodbye
Baby, won't be long
You're the one that I'm waiting on.'

*She opens the door and looks at them and smiles at Draco. She pulls him close to her and just kisses him. He grabs her hips and kisses her back. Then he starts to dance with her to the music and smiles at her. The song ends and he looks at her and smiles. And tucks her hair behind her ear.*

Dray: "I love you baby."
'I love you too.'

*They smile at each other. Pansy and Blaise look at each other and smile. They run in there and start to dance to the next song that comes on with Clover & Draco. They dance their hearts out and just laugh and have a blast. Clover turns off the music.*

Pan: "I just wanna say you have such a beautiful voice girl."
'Aw thanks. Years of practice in my room alone. And with my oldest sister Hope.'
Bl: "You never really talk about your sister."
'Yeah I know. I feel like there is no need. Because all my family is drama after drama that's all. And I have all I need right here.'

*She looks at Draco and smiles.*

Pan: "I understand that girl. So Draco you ready to dance with her at the ball?"
Dray: "Well of course."

*He smiles at them.*

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