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*They all walk to potions class together. Draco and Clover sit down next to each other. Snape walks in and goes to Clover.*

Snape: "Dumbledore would like to see you in his office."

*Clover nods and gets up and heads to Dumbledore's office where he's sitting at his desk.*

'You wanted to see me sir?'
DD: "Yes. Are you okay, Miss Mikaelson?"
'Not really sir.'

*She looks at him. He smiles.*

DD: "Please have a seat. I'm here to listen."

*She sits down and tears start to fall down her face.*

'I'm sorry.'
DD: "Don't be sorry. Take your time. Would you like a glass of water?"
'Yes please.'

*He gets up and gets her a glass of water. And he sits back down, she takes a drink and then starts to talk. She takes a deep breath as she says.*

'So much is going on with my family. They leave me out of everything like I'm a kid. I'm sixteen almost seventeen sir I think I could handle it all. It's tough being a witch and a vampire. Mostly a vampire because I have to control myself. I drink blood in order to stay alive. And I hate it sir. I'm a freak and the black sheep and I hate it. I drink so much to calm myself down. I lash out easily. My grandfather said he has ways of coming back and I'm scared I'm gonna die. I'm scared he'll kill me sir. I love it here. I love Hogwarts but I'm afraid I'm a danger to everyone. I'm sorry.'

*Dumbledore sighs.*

DD: "Clover listen you're not a freak at all. And we love having you here. You're no danger. Honestly you're the one who can really protect us. You're the strongest witch I have ever met. And it is not right they leave you out of everything you have the right to know. Thank you for telling me how you feel. I worry about my students here at Hogwarts. If you ever need someone to talk to I am always here to talk. I will listen and try my best to understand."
'Thank you sir. I really appreciate it so much.'
DD: "It is no problem miss Mikaelson."
'Can I go back to class now, please.'
DD: "Of course."

*She gets up and starts to walk off. She turns around.*

'Thank you sir for everything.'

*He smiles at her and she smiles back. She walks out and heads back to class. She gets closer to potions class and her father is there. She sighs and walks up to him.*

Klaus: "What the bloody hell is your problem lashing out on your sister like that. You had no right."
'Not now father. I need to get to class.'

*She walks past him. He yells.*


*He speeds towards her. And gets in front of her. She gets in his face.*

'Listen father. *She says calmly.* I am the black sheep of our family. It's always about Hope, or auntie, or my uncles, or you. And I am tired of it. You never tell me shit. I'm almost 17 and I can handle shit. I'm not a child anymore. So stop treating me like one. I'm sick and tired of it.'
Klaus: "Clover listen."
'No dad you listen to me. When school ends I'm going to live with mom. At least she cares about me more than you ever will. At least she tells me everything. And she listens to me unlike you. Now if you don't mind I got class.'

*She walks right past him and heads to class. He leaves. She goes to class and sits back down next to Draco. She doesn't talk; she just pays attention to Snape teaching. He stops teaching and walks up to Clover.*

Snape: "You alright?"
'Yes sir.'
Snape: "I'm here if you need someone to talk to."
Thank you sir.'

*He walks back up front and teaches some more until he dismisses everyone to the great hall. Clover walks with Draco and holds his hand. They sit down next to each other Dumbledore starts talking about the Yule ball.*

DD: "Two days away. I hope everyone is ready."

*Food appears and everyone starts to eat. Clover starts to talk to her friends.*

'So my father showed up when I was walking back to class. I told him how I felt and that I'm living with my mom after school ends.'
Pan: "You alright?"
'I will be. At least my mother doesn't hide anything from me.'

*She gets her phone out and texts her mother. Here's what she says.*

'Hey mom could I stay with you when school ends please. I don't want to stay with dad anymore. I hope you don't mind.'

*Caroline texts back fast.*

Car: "Of course you can honey. I would love to have you. Honey there's something I need to tell you."

*Clover texts back.*

'What is it?'
Car: "You know I don't like hiding anything from you. Me and Tyler got a divorce. And well I'm with Stefan now."

*Clover gasps.*

Dray: "What's wrong love?"
'My mother got a divorce with my step dad and is now with me godfather Stefan.'
Pan: "Is that bad?"
'No it's amazing.'

*She texts her back. She smiles as she sends the text.*

'Mom I'm so happy for you. He better treat you right or he'll have to deal with me hehe.'
Car: "He's great honey. I hope to see you soon baby. Send me pictures of you and your friends at the dance please. You should get back to school. I'll talk to you later. I love you xoxo❤️."
'I love you too momma xoxo♥️.'

*Clover smiles and puts her phone in her pocket and looks at Draco and smiles. She looks back at her food and starts to eat some chicken and looks up and sees her ex step dad Tyler.*

'Leave Tyler.'
Tyler: "Don't think this is the end Clover."
'What do you mean?'
Tyler: "You will see sooner or later."
'Can anyone else see you?'
Tyler: "No because I am not actually here you're imaging it."

*Her friends look at her.*

Dray: "Who are you talking to love?"
'You don't see him?'
Pan: "See who Clover?"
'My uh nobody nevermind I'm just hallucinating. Doesn't matter.'
Dray: "Clover are you alright?"

*She rubs her eyes.*

'Yeah I am fine. So you guys ready for the dance?'
Pan: "I can't wait, I'm so ready. You all are going to be shocked about my dress."
'I already know what dress you have. I helped you pick it out.'
Pan: "Well duh I know that."
DD: "Everyone please pay attention. *Everyone looks at him and goes quiet.* The dance is in 2 days and the competition is a day after. I wish all the contestants good luck and I hope everyone is ready for the dance. Everyone please head to class now. Don't want to be late or tardy so how on now."

*Everyone gets up and Clover heads to charms class with her friends and they all sit down. Clover sits beside Draco.*

Flitwick: "Hello class. Today we will be learning a spell. That is honestly not one I ever taught before. This will be the first time. Just pay attention to me."

*Clover looks at Draco.*

'Do you think it's a dangerous spell?'
Dray: "I don't know love."

*He teaches it. And everyone practices. Then they all get dismissed and head to the quad. They all chill.*

A Mikaelson goes to Hogwarts ✅Where stories live. Discover now