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*She jerks awake and they both look and see it's her friends.*

Mione: "Clover you're okay. We were so worried. Sorry we woke you. We just wanna see if you're okay."
'I'm fine, just sore. I'm not a vampire anymore so it'll take a while for all this to heal.'
Ron: "Why did you do it?"
'Take the cure?'
Ron: "Yeah?"
'Because I honestly felt empty being a vampire. I would live forever but I wanna grow old and have a family and someday die a human not a vampire.'

*Fred looks at her.*

Fred: "But he doesn't care if you're human or not he will still kill you. Remember that night at the burrow only you could see him and your grandmother. You told me that your grandfather wants you dead doesn't matter if you're human or not. I don't want anything to happen to you. It scared me knowing you were missing."
'I know Freddie and I didn't mean to scare you or anybody. I was kidnapped by those goons.'

*Clover looks at Draco. She then turns back to her friends and then Draco.*

There's something you need to know guys."
Draco: "Baby you don't have to."
'I want to.'

*She shows them the death eaters mark. They all gasp.*

Har: "Clover you didn't?"
'I didn't want to join, he did this to me. It still hurts so much. It's so painful.'

*A tear rolls down her face. Draco pulls her into a hug. Everyone groups hugs her and then leaves so she can rest. She lays down on Draco's chest.*

Dray: "Darling? There's something I need to tell you."
'What is it Dray?'

*He gently moves her off him and gets up, pulls his sleeve up and shows her his arm. He has the same tattoo Clover does.*

Dray: "I don't have a choice love. You know who my family is. I have no choice."
'But you do have a choice Draco. Everyone does.'
Dray: "Darling you know who my father is. I won't ever have my own choice until he's dead."
'But why did they choose you?'
Dray: "Don't know."
'Are they gonna make you kill Dumbledore?'

*She whispers. He looks at her in shock.*

Dray: "How did you know about that?"
'I heard them talking about it. Draco are you really gonna do it?'
Dray: "I don't know love. But let's get some sleep. You need your rest baby."

*He takes his shirt and pants off. She takes hers off too. He lays down and she lays on his chest. They fall asleep. Clover wakes up in a dark room. She looks around but sees nothing but pitch black and she isn't in Dracos room anymore.*


*Silence. She gets up and starts to walk. She sees a door and light coming from under the door. She walks up to it and turns the knob. She opens the door. And walks through some corn. She turns around and sees she was in a shed. But who put her there? Or how did she get there? She keeps walking until she hits a road. She starts to walk down the road. Until she realizes where she is.*

'Holy shit. No this can't be.'

*She starts to run. She turns around and sees someone is running after her.*

'Fuck. Leave me alone.'

*She starts to run even faster. She enters an abandoned parking lot she keeps running until she trips. The person walks up to her. She starts to crawl back. She closes her eyes as she speaks.*

'What do you want?'
Person: "You know what I want Clover Mikaelson."

*She recognizes the voice and opens her eyes.*

'Jeremy Gilbert?'
Jeremy: "That's me."

*She gets up and smacks him.*

'Why the fuck did you chase after me. And how the fuck did I even get here? You scared the shit out of me.'
Jeremy: "You don't remember? And sorry Clo"

A Mikaelson goes to Hogwarts ✅Where stories live. Discover now