Not A Part It's A💚Here☺️

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Hey loves it's A here. I just want to say sum real quickly😁 I know who comes in what year and who doesn't I just like to spice things up in my stories. If you don't like how I write or who I bring into the story because they didn't show up in the year. Then don't read my story. I did read all the books and watched the movies I know who comes in where and when and who does what. This is just a story it is NOT REAL. I just love to write and just make it unique. I always have since I was a little girl. Writings I'd my passion. I love to write about anything and I always write songs too🤷🏻‍♀️ I bring different characters into my stories to sometimes from like movies or shows to make it more juicy because nobody expects it. Like I said if you don't like it you don't have to read my story or any of my stories I won't force you. But if you don't mind it. Thank you for reading my story & stories I really appreciate it💚 thank you for reading this. Just please don't be rude about it. If you don't like how I write my stories don't read them and please be respectful. Thank you ~A💚

A Mikaelson goes to Hogwarts ✅Where stories live. Discover now