Chapter Twenty-Five

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"The next five hours will be crucial," Mrs Barker addressed the classroom

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"The next five hours will be crucial," Mrs Barker addressed the classroom. "I want you to focus and try your very best in creating your best artwork. You must be in complete silence, if you need additional art supplies raise your hand. Okay, so your first two hours will start... Now. Off you go."

The art room was in complete silence, the only sound that made its way to my ears, was the scratching and scribbling of the pencils on the various mediums.

The second most crucial day had arrived. I wriggled in my seat, looking at the blank paper in front of me. Five minutes had already ticked by and I was presented with a blank canvas.

I peered over to the pictures Zac provided. I wanted to ensure that I did justice to his beautiful portraits. I didn't have it in me to tear up the pictures, but it has to be done.

Months of planning my final artwork circulated in my mind. Majority of it was inspired by Zac. Every time I thought about the pictures he took, the artist in me beamed with happiness.

I put my mind at rest and began focusing on creating the best artwork. My hands took over. Mixture of colours were emerging on the blank paper. After creating a smooth gradient of colours, I took the courage to start tearing up Zac's pictures and placing them delicately on the paper.

I didn't realise how fast the time ticked by, Mrs Barker got up from her seat and cleared her throat, just as the distant sound of the bell rang.

"That's your first two hours done, you can go for a fifteen minute break, if you want to stay in the classroom you can, but you cannot continue with your artwork."

Twenty percent of my final piece was done and three hours remained. I felt myself swaying on a tightrope, trying to get to the safe side before the timer ended.

"Hey, I'm going to the canteen, you coming?" Ruby whispered and she approached me.

"It's okay, you go, I'm going to stay here." Nervously biting my lower lip, I wondered if I was going to complete my artwork.

Ruby rested her hand on my shoulder and tilted her head to the side, after sending her a reassuring nod and slight smile, she proceeded to leave.

I pondered around the classroom, only to find Melissa in her seat. I clenched my jaw and internally rolled my eyes, wishing I left this suffocating room.

"Mrs Barker?" A voice called out from the door.

Rachel and Danielle peered themselves into the room. I found it oddly strange with them two coming here.

"Yes girls?" Mrs Barker stood up from her desk, and wondered over to the girls.

Audible whispers were exiting from their mouth, I perched forward to get a insight to what was being said, but my ears failed me.

Mrs Barker turned around, facing us. "I'll be right back, I trust you two not to complete your artwork."

With that said, she left the room and I was stuck alone with Melissa. I couldn't help but feel an ominous cloud looming over me. The silence in the room was almost piercing my ears.

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