Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The whole of Saturday and Sunday combined, felt like a whirlwind of events, coming left, right and centre

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The whole of Saturday and Sunday combined, felt like a whirlwind of events, coming left, right and centre. After the dreaded cramp, I ensured that I didn't suffer again or that my asthma was triggered.

I took a backseat in all the activities we had planned. It ranged from rock climbing, going on various walks to playing badminton. I was flushed with joy seeing the happiness on my parents face, even Ava at times, loosened herself up and enjoyed partaking in the activities.

Our last night in Oakland Woods had arrived. The night sky surrounded us, with specks of white and gold hues, dotted around up above. It looked like paint had been splattered all over.

Light beamed from the moon, which was clearly visible. It almost felt like I could see the curve and groves of the moon, from where I was sat.

The chirping crickets, the slight rustle of the trees and the crackling of the fire, heightened the pure beauty of the nature at night. It was like all the worries and dread had evaporated from me, like I had no care in the world. I could have easily lost myself deep in the woods, just to be surrounded by a fresh wave of peace.

Orange and yellow hues emerged from the fire, the flames roared upwards as if was battling against the wind. My eyes glistened as I closely watched the fire dance.

Whilst the parents were situated around their own campfire, the rest of us sat around our own. All lost in our own world, sunken in our seats, silent, as non of us wanted to engage in conversation.

"This is boring," Melissa sighed. She adjusted her posture, whilst also holding on to Zac's hand, as if she was claiming him to be hers.

Internally, I scoffed and rolled my eyes. After giving a quick side eye towards Ruby, she shifted her brows upwards, indicating that she was thinking the same as me.

"Why don't you just go bed then?" Ruby suggested, I couldn't help but snort at her suggestion, which caused Ava and Lexi to do the same.

"Let's play a game." Melissa ignored Ruby, and batted her head around our circle, waiting for someone to respond.

"What?" I simply let out as a response, trying to fill up the silence.

"Never have I ever." A sinister smile creeped upon Melissa's face.

"What's the point?" Ruby snorted shaking her head in disagreement. "We don't have alcohol."

"We've all got a bottle of drink, we can just use that. Unless you're scared to play it?" Melissa lifted the corner of her lips in a malicious way, she cocked her head to the side waiting for Ruby to respond.

My eyes scanned over the crackling fire, to where Zac was seated, opposite me. Alongside with the fire, his intense stare was also burning into me. Whilst sitting close and in Melissa's grasp, his stabbing green pupils didn't dare to leave me. His gaze was trapping me, heating up the surface of my skin, allowing the butterflies to dance their way around my stomach.

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