Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Ruby and I approached our cabin

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Ruby and I approached our cabin. It had the exterior made up of oak, which radiated natural beauty of the woods.

Upon entering the tight-nit cabin, we were welcomed by the fresh and crisp smell of wood. Closing my eyes, I inhaled deeply, taking in the freshness masking me. The cabin was lit with happiness, this was the perfect place to get away from all the stresses of life.

Two single beds were situated towards the left side, they were adorned with soft white cotton bed sheets. My hand glided over the cotton sheets, the mere thought of relaxing in this bed sparked a peaceful wave within me.

On the right side, a sofa was lined against the wall, with a grand window behind it. The window looked out onto the acres of greenery. Various trees surrounded our cabin, it almost felt like the trees were protecting us.

"This is amazing," Ruby beamed, placing her bag on the table and taking various items of clothing out.

I hummed in agreement, aimlessly wondering around the room. Making my way towards the door on the far side, I found myself in a small and simple bathroom.

"We're going to have the best time here, don't let Melissa and Zac ruin it for you." Ruby came into the reflection of the bathroom mirror. All I could do was nod.

"You're right." I turned around facing her. "This is going to be the best weekend."

We both squealed in excitement and happily skipped around the room, setting it all to our liking and making it a temporary home for us.

After calming ourselves and relaxing within our cozy cabin, we met up with the rest. Everyone situated around the burnt out campfire, which was in the middle having the cabins surrounding it.

"Who's ready for a little wander around?" Brian clapped his hand, grabbing all our attention.

"We thought it would be nice to walk down one of the paths, just to check out the area." Mary's head bounced between the adults, who seemed excited to go on this calm evening walk.

We all awkwardly hummed and stepped around, avoiding each other's eyes, trying to make it less uncomfortable. I pulled Ruby closer to me, looping my arm around hers.

"Hannah sweetie, we'll be walking on some hilly areas, do you think you'll be okay? Have you got your inhaler?" My mum soothingly asked me.

I pondered on the idea, part of me didn't want to risk getting breathless resulting in an asthma attack. Just as I was about to politely reject going on the walk, Melissa snorted under her breath and rolled her eyes.

"Bullshit excuses." Left her mouth, barely audible, but enough for me to hear.

I cocked my head to the side, narrowing my eyes in despair towards her. I wasn't going to let her undermine me.

"I'll be fine mum. I've got my inhaler." A wide smile flashed across my face.

With Ruby by my side, I began the walk, passing closely by Zac, giving it my all to avoid meeting his eyes. The rest closely followed and I deeply sighed, wondering what this walk could entail.

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