Chapter Thirty

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The journey of getting to where I wanted to be was never easy

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The journey of getting to where I wanted to be was never easy. Throughout my whole school life I always kept myself to myself. I didn't care to partake in idle crap that would earn me my place. I didn't care about being popular.

My mind was always set on doing the very best and achieving maximum grades. I was forever grateful for meeting Ruby. A best friend like her, helped me to stay grounded. Whenever I steered away from the straight path, she was always there to guide me back. And I did the same for her.

Extensive amount of information was continuously stored into my brain, as if it was a warehouse of knowledge. It felt like the days leading up to my exams, I was starting to run out of space, like I couldn't take anymore.

Seeing my results; seeing what I had achieved, felt like I had won in life. The competition I had always been running in, I finally got to the end line.

My parents always wanted the very best for me. The moment I told them of my results, they were elated. They were shining with such proudness.

I drifted back to present time, I scanned around the table where my mum, dad and Ava were situated.

The evening had ascended, and to celebrate my results we ordered a takeaway feast, fit for a king. Selection of pizzas, chips and chicken wings were scattered on the table. Steam was emerging from the food and the fresh baked smell wafted its way to my nose, enabling me to salivate.

This was just what I needed. After months and months of stress piling on me, a calming evening dinner with the people I loved, was the perfect way to close the school chapter.

"Now that you've got your results, have you thought about which university you want to go to?" My dad asked, as he waved for me to take the mouthwatering food.

"Erm, I haven't really thought about it yet," I replied, taking a small bite out of the pizza slice. "All three of my choices have given me an offer."

"Oh Hannah darling." My mums face lit with pure delight. "That's amazing. When do you have to let them know of your choice?"

"I still have around four weeks to give my decision. I'm not going to worry about it yet." My heart missed a beat at the thought of deciding which university to go to.

I had whittled it down between Manchester and New York. The difference in distance was grand, but I didn't want to worry my parents. All I cared about, was making the most of the precious time, this time that I had to take in and enjoy.

Both my parents hummed, they knew not to press further. We fell into a beautiful silence as we all digested the scrumptious food. The mixture of flavour and spice tantalised my tastebuds. The feeling of satisfaction grew in me as I continued to eat.

"So, in other news," my dads voice filled the silence around the table. "We have been invited to a charity ball."

My mum, Ava and I both shot our heads upwards to my dad. Our interests were peaked and we leaned forward, waiting for my dad to explain further.

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