Chapter Sixteen

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Time appeared to go slow as we waited

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Time appeared to go slow as we waited. The office was filled with silence. We were non the wiser with what was going on the outside.

The ticking of the clock was the only sound that filed the room. After the first initial shock of getting trapped, Ava and Lexi stopped protesting. Pure silence from the basement, it almost had an eerie feel to it.

I felt like I was sitting on the edge of the cliff. The anticipation was creeping up on me. Slowly climbing up on my back.

"It's been thirty minutes, do you think we should check on them?" I questioned.

Zac, who was sat on the far desk, shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe. Its been a while since they've screamed."

"Do you think you could go and check?" I hesitantly asked, still feeling the dread of going down to the basement.

Zac reassuringly nodded and proceeded to make his way down. A mere few seconds had passed and the sound of thumping started to get louder.

I turned my head to follow the sound, Ava entered the room like a raging bull. Her nostrils flared and her jaw clenched down, seething with pure anger. Just as I was about to say something, she turned on her heel exited the building, slamming the door behind her.

My brows wrinkled down in confusion. I stood there in the room on my own, until Lexi came barging into the room with Zac closely following behind.

"Lexi! Oi I'm talking to you," Zac called out, trying to get her attention.

"Leave me alone, don't talk to me!" Lexi screeched slamming the door as she exited.

We both stood staring at each other. My brain tried to compute what had happened.

"Yeah I don't think that worked." Zac shifted his brows, indicating that our plan had been defeated.

We proceeded to make sure the office was in check, we then locked up and made our way home. Both Zac and I were dumbfounded at how the plan seemed to have failed.


The rest of the day moved along fairly moderate. With intense revision for the exams, I couldn't concentrate, I kept milling over about how Ava looked. She had the look of disappointment, like I had hurt her.

After avoiding her for most of the day, I decided to peer into her room. Quietly knocking, I opened the door slowly, edging my head around the door.

She noticed me and let out a exaggerated sigh, as if she was sick to see me.

"Are you going to tell me what-"

"What you did was stupid." She let out in a harsh tone. "What was all that for?"

"We came up with a plan to get you and Lexi talking again," I explained, setting myself in the edge of her bed.

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