Chapter Eleven

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The days leading up to Friday, I felt my mind was consistently dwelling on the same thing repeatedly

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The days leading up to Friday, I felt my mind was consistently dwelling on the same thing repeatedly. How I made myself look like a fool, getting trapped with Zac, and how Zac defended me towards his own sister.

These thoughts were constantly gnawing away at my brain. Often I found myself zoning out in class. I would drift into a cloud of endless thoughts. Sometimes it felt like I wasn't living presently with everyone else, I was stuck on the events that had occurred in the past.

I put all the effort in trying to avoid Zac. Something in me was telling me to avoid him, I felt like I couldn't face him or talk to him.

It was a dull Friday afternoon and I had two hours left, till the end of the school day. Luckily I had no classes, in my mind it was easy to escape and hide away from the likes of Zac.

Whilst in my own world, I wondered down the halls of the school, till I was stopped by Zac calling from behind.

I came to a halt, wincing my eyes shut. It was impossible for me to make a swift exit. I had to awkwardly stand there, waiting for him to approach me.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" Zac asked as he came face to face with me.

"Avoiding? What makes you think that?" I awkwardly replied, chuckling nervously and fidgeting around with my fingers.

"In business you've barely spoken to me and don't think I haven't noticed that every time I approach you, you walk the other way."

My nervous chuckle continued to jitter from my mouth. I began to stutter because it was true, but I didn't want to admit it.

"Come on, let's go sit in a study room." Zac extended his arm to walk ahead.

"I have class." I lied, cringing on the inside.

"Don't bother lying, I know you have two hours free." Without saying another word, Zac began to walk ahead, which caused me to follow him.

We soon managed to find an empty study room. We took our seats opposite each other, from across the table.

"How you been feeling, since... you know..." Zac subtly asked, his words slowly fading not wanting to say the words he wanted to say.

My head inched downwards, embarrassment masked my brain. I wanted to forget about what happened. I could feel Zac staring intently at me.

"I rather not talk about it." I mumbled.


"Just... it was embarrassing-"

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