AN~not a chapter(obvs)

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So a lot of you guys have been leaving comments and such about some inconsistencies and inaccuracies in this story. I just want to address this because I was barely a teenager when I wrote this. It's been years and even though I love these characters, writing is a lot harder now. I've been going through a lot these past few years and even though I promised you guys a re-write I want you to understand that my mental health comes first and I'm still really unstable right now. My end goal is to finish this and give you guys content I'm proud of but I don't know how long that will take, I'm sorry.

I've posted this at the begining and end for both new and old readers to see, so I just hope you guys stop leaving vaguely (if unintentionally) rude comments. I know my work could be better. I would still love to hear/read your comments but please keep in mind that tone is hard to convey in writing.

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