Chapter 13~The Pack

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Winter was fast approaching. Renesmee wanted to play in the snow, so Jacob and Bella took her into the mountains. She wanted me to come to, but Seth and I were going to Sam and Emily's so I could meet the pack properly.

"I, you ready?" Seth knocked on my bathroom door.

"Yep!" I finished the last curl and exited the vanilla bathroom. "How do I look? Do you think it's too much?"

 "How do I look? Do you think it's too much?"

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"You look perfect." Seth assured me. I took his hand and led him down to the garage, and handed him the keys to my baby. He started the car and drove drown to La Push.

We pulled up to Emily's house and got out of the car. Three boys ran out of the house and dragged Seth inside. I giggled and followed them in.

Seth's back was to me so I motioned for them to not say anything and jumped on his back. "SNEAK ATTACK!!"

He caught my thighs and stumbled forward slightly. We all laughed at his weird expressions. All the laughs died down except for a couple of cute little giggles from a girl just as small. My jaw dropped as I jumped down from Seth'a beck, and ran to cradle the tiny being.

"Ohh- aren't you just the most adorable thing! What's your name, cutey?" I asked her. She giggled again and wiggled out of my arms, only to crawl into someone else's.

"This is Claire." He told me. "And my name's Quil."

"It's nice to meet you." I said politely.

"And that's Paul, Collin, and Brady." Seth pointed to each of them. "Kim, Emily, Jared, and Sam are at First Beach. They should be here soon."

Four people burst into the warm house, not a minute after he said that.

"Jared, don't you dare!" One of the girls screamed running past us, and ducking behind the couch.

"Get back here!" Jared chased after her. He cornered her and pinned her to the wall.

"Alright! Alright, fine, you caught me. What're you gonna do now that you have?" The girl teased. He threw her on the couch and crawled over her, burying his face in her neck. She pushed Jared off her and onto the floor.

"Hey! Not in the house." A pretty lady, with three long scars down her face, fake scolded. "Besides we have a guest." She gestured to me.

"Oh! Hey, I'm Kim." The girl on the couch introduced herself.



Seth and I spent all day at Emily's and I bonded with the pack. I was almost falling asleep by the time Seth drove us home.

When we got in, everyone was in the living room with the piano.

"Isla." Ali breathed, rushing over.

"What?" I asked. She didn't say anything, but her eyes kept flickering. Not like they did when she was having a vision, but like she was trying to so she could figure something out. "Ali? What happened?" I asked, looking away from her, to everyone else.

"The Volturi think Renesmee is an immortal child, they're coming."



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