Chapter 5~Fighting

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AN: Okay so just a quick disclaimer. This story starts during Eclipse and once again I own practically nothing because Everything from the original TwilightSaga belongs to Stephenie Meyer and Hope Is Pretty much Hope Mikaelson from the CW's 'The Originals' which is based on the Klaus part of L.J. Smith's book series 'The Vampire Diaries'. The only thing I own is THIS specific plot-line, so ya, just thought I'd put that out there.


Only problem is I have no idea how to fight.


"Again!" Dad demanded. Jazz and him continued fighting as Bella arrived.

"Hey Bells!" I greeted cheerfully.

"Hey Isla." Bella greeted back.

Dad and Jazz were about to start fighting again when the wolves showed up. Papa began talking but soon gestured for Jazz to continue.

"They want to know why Isla smells different from anyone they've ever met." Eddie translated. Papa then beckoned me forward and explained my species.

"They want to see her fight." Eddie translated again.

"No, no way." Mom argued.

"Mom relax. I promise I won't get hurt." I promised her. Then I took off my chain, because I learned that it weakens my abilities and blocks my magic.

"Keep this safe." I told Bella, wrapping the silver around her wrist.

"You ready?" Jazz checked.

"Uh-huh" I replied, bouncing on the balls of my feet.

He came at me but before he could catch me I was standing behind him. He turned around and saw me so he charged again. It kept happening but eventually I flustered and my instincts took over. I'm not sure what happened but suddenly Jazz was on the ground clutching his head. I snapped out of it and Uncle Jazz got up.

"Well that hurt." Jazz joked.

"I don't know what just happened." I confessed.

"Your witch instincts must have took over." Papa hypothesized. "Meaning; in battle your witch side comes out, when your hungry your vampire side comes out, and when your angry your vampire side and your wolf side come out. Luckily your wolf side will stay dormant until you take a human life. Which will hopefully never happen."


Everyone kept training and fighting, and by the end of the day I was exhausted. We also found out that if I use to much magic I start to get a nosebleed and sometimes pass out.

Bella was concerned she wasn't helping enough but Jazz assured her that her scent would be enough. Then he showed her his scars and told her about his life before the Cullen's. (I already knew everyone's story by heart because they would tell them to me as bedtime stories using different names when I was little.) Ali joined them and since the wolves already left the clearing we were about to head home.


"Alright Alice, Isla. Don't be strangers." Charlie said to us as we walked to Bell.

"M'kay." We replied together. Charlie went back into the house as Bella walked up the walkway.

"Your alibi for the battle is all arranged." Ali told Bella.


"We told your father our whole family's going camping for the weekend so us three are having a sleepover at our house." I explained to Bell. "Charlie's going fishing anyway."

"Charlie? You're all on first name basis now?" Bella asked us.

"US he likes." Ali chuckled, emphasizing the us.

"Actually you and Edward will have the house to yourself tonight." I told her.

"Like alone?" Bella quized.

"Yeah. We're all going hunting." I explained. Bella still looked confused so Ali elaborated.

"Powering up for the battle. You're welcome." Ali joked like the preppy child she is.


We were all in the forest. Everyone (minus Eddie) wanted to be there for my first hunt. They all were showing me how they hunted. First Dad snuck up on a couple bears and drank them dry. Next Papa and Nana ran after two elk and came back with lighter eyes. Ali and Jazz did the same. Mom turned our hunt into a game. First to find a Mountain lion, deer, and a gopher. I ended up winning because Dad stole Mom's deer. We hunted and played games until morning when I fell asleep in Dad's arms.


Alice saw a storm coming tonight. Bella was smearing her blood on the trees and talking about how she wanting to wait to tell 'Jacob' about her and Eddie's engagement. One of the wolves came up to us and I could tell Mom was holding in her growl.

"Relax, Rosalie. He's here to take Brinn to the campsite." Papa told her.

"What if the mutt-"

"I have a name." The mutt interrupted her. We all looked at him in shock. Nobody interrupted my Mom, especially when she was angry.

"What is it." Dad interrogated.

"Jared, and cool it Blondie I have an imprint."

I said good bye to my family and Jared ran me to the campsite. We got there the same time Bella and Wolf 1, Whose name I learned is Jacob.

Bella started talking with him about something. I wasn't paying attention. Jacob and Jared walked away and the three of us entered the tent.


IT WAS FREEZING! Now because I'm a vampire, I don't get cold. But right now, I'M ABOUT TO FREEZE TO DEATH!

Damn you werewolf half. Why can't you be helpful.

"Can't sleep with all this teeth chattering going on." Jared said, coming into the tent with Jacob.

"Forget it" Eddie said reading their thoughts.

"They may need their toes someday." Jacob replied snidely. "And lets face it, we are hotter than you."

"Quit with the drama and get over here. Our fingers are about to fall off!" I shivered.

Jared complied and I cuddled into him. I swear he is a- pardon my language- bloody furnace! I think someone said something but I practically fell asleep in 2 seconds flat.


Today is the battle.


AN: Okay I feel like that was a really bad chapter and it kind of just jumped all over the place. What do you guys think?

So I don't want to be one of those people who constantly say "Comment! Vote! Follow!" and all that other stuff but if you do have a comment or a question please feel free to say it. Even if it's criticism because I would really like to know how I could improve my story or writing in general.

Okay, I love you guys! Bye,


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