Chapter 8~Welcome

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Waking up, I noticed everyone had vacated the room except me, Rowan, and Sarah, who were still sleeping. I decided to leave them there while I went up to my room to change. When I came back down the two of them were waking up. After they had changed  we went to the kitchen, where Nana had breakfast made. There were croissants, eggs, waffles, berries, melons, pancakes, and juice. The three of us ate until we couldn't force down any more of the delicious food.

"Thank you for letting us stay over Mom." Sarah and Rowan thanked in sync. They had got in the habit of calling Nana and Papa, Mom and Dad.

Sarah's dad, who happens to work with Papa, pulled up the driveway and Bree joined us for goodbyes.

Later, Bree and I were doing our nails when Ali bounced (like a Pogo stick) in.

"Ali, you okay? You're kinda vibrating." I observed. It was true, she was shaking so much the water in my glass started to ripple.

"I'm just excited." Ali responded.

"Why? Is there a thunderstorm later?!" I asked, excitedly.

"No-" Ali said, killing my excitement. "-It's something else." She finished looking like a kid on Christmas.


I finally found out what Ali was so excited about when her, Jazz, and Bree came home and Bree immediately dragged me up to my our room.

"They adopted me!" Bree exclaimed, with a blinding smile.

"What?" I laughed.

"Yeah, they- they said they had a surprise for me and then they took me to an adoption agency and adopted me!" Bree told me enthusiastically

"That's amazing! Wait- That means we're cousins!" I realized.

"Yeah. And I am now Bree Tanner-Hale-Cullen!"

"Wow, that is a mouthful."

"Yeah. Hey, I never asked your full name?" She observed, phrasing it as a question.

"Hope Isla Brinn Louis McCarty-Hale-Cullen." I supplied.

"Well it rolls of the tongue." Bree joked.

"Yours will get there." I said rising from my chair and walking to the door. "Oh, and welcome to the family." I said turning back to her before leaving the room.


AN: Ahhhhh! Bree is officially a part of the Cullen's! I really hope you are enjoying this story so far and don't think that it's moving to fast or slow and that it's not boring or annoying or poorly written. Overall I just want to know if you like this story or if you have any suggestions or constructive criticism.

Anyway, I love you all so much!


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