The Letters

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Dear Finder,
Although it brings me great pain to leave her, I know my daughter will be found by the right people - caring people. I've asked her father's sister to place a spell on my baby so I know- so that we know - she will be protected. And yes, I did say a spell. Because witches exist and not only is her aunt one but my, your daughter is too. In fact, she is a tribrid; half wolf, half vampire, and half witch.
Although she should be a New Orleans witch, the magic in her veins will allow her magic to grow and flourish without the help and power of the ancestors. She is destined to be a slave of nature, while Travelers practice black magic - believing it to be pure, Extremists practice expression - which is darker than Traveler magic, and finally, the New Orleans witches who practice ancestral magic. That is the first reason your little girl must not take off her bracelet. The ancestors are after her, more than others, her ancestors, Esther and Dahlia. Esther wants her so she can be killed and consecrated so to not taken by Dahlia and have her powers flow to the New Orleans ancestors, and Dahlia wants to take her and her magic. By wearing her bracelet, it cloaks her from locator spells and witches tracking her magic.
The second reason she can never remove her bracelet is that if she does the sun will burn her. Although she can't permanently die easily because of her fathers family, her vampire half means that the sun will burn her and that she'll eventually need blood to sustain her. She will also be able to create vampires and sire werewolf-vampire hybrids, by feeding them her blood and killing them. the hybrids will need her blood a second time but vampires just need human blood to complete the transition.
Like me, your daughter is a part of the Crescent Pack but luckily as of now, that means very little. Even so, it would be in her best interest to keep the birthmark on her right shoulder covered up. She will not start turning until she takes a human life at which point she could turn at the next full moon and everyone after that, but being a hybrid means she will have control over the turning. It will still hurt like hell (I mean anyone would be in pain if their bones changed size, shape, and their places and then grew fur.) but she won't have to turn every full moon, or at all for that matter.
She was born on May 2nd, just before noon.
Unfortunately, I cannot tell you my name or her father's name but I can say we both love her and wish we could be there to watch her grow up. Please take care of my daughter and make sure she knows how much I love her. Whether she can handle it or not please do not show her this letter. Her father and I have both written her letters. I want only the best for my little girl and hope you can provide what I cannot.
I trust you,
Thank you,
She is my hope.


Dear Zoe, or Kaitlin, or Angela. To my little girl,
Your dad just asked if this was a love letter. I guess it kind of is. I never got to know my mother, I have no idea what she must have felt when she carried me. So I thought I'd write to you so that you could know how happy I am at this very moment, how much your father and I wish we could meet you. And I wanna make you a promise; three things that you'll have that I never did; A safe home, someone to tell you that they love you every single day, and someone to fight for you no matter what, in other words; a family. So there you go baby girl, the rest I'm afraid you'll have to figure out with your finder.
I love you,
your Mom.


My dearest Hope,
I've decided that's what your name is whether you new parents pick it or not. I do not know how this will find you. As a child full of wonder, a teenager full of opinions, or a woman with the world at her feet. I write to tell you that I love. I'm comforted by the knowledge that you will not share my many demons and foes. Please do not pity me or your mother, my sole regret is that I will be away from you. I find peace knowing that you will be safe with your new parents. Our sacrifice will allow you to grow and to become the beautiful daughter I can now only imagine. Please remember, you are and always will be our family's hope.
Your family loves you,
Always and forever.


AN: The first two were written by Isla's biological mom and the third one was written by Isla's biological dad. Also, I own nothing but this story's plot, all Twilight characters belong to Stephanie Meyer(I think that's her name? (the person who wrote twilight)) except Hope who is a Character I "stole" from the CW's 'The Originals'. also, the baby in the pick(finding Isla Cullen) is Alexandria/Victoria Collins, and the older Isla will be played by Sabrina Carpenter.

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